This Week in Fintech 17 Jan

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This weekly summary from our 5 experts, brings you insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives.

Ilias Hatzis started his first company, an internet search engine, during the dot-com era & now focusses on crypto.

Efi Pylarinou worked for top tier Wall Street firms and is now a top global Fintech influencer.

Jessica Ellerm is CEO of Zuper Superannuation & previously worked for a top Fintech startup, Tyro.

Patrick Kelahan is a CX, engineering & insurance professional, working with Insurers, Attorneys & Owners.

Bernard Lunn is CEO of Daily Fintech and author of The Blockchain Economy.

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Your Editor is Bernard Lunn. He is also the CEO of Daily Fintech and author of The Blockchain Economy.

Monday Ilias Hatzis @iliashatzis our Greece-based crypto entrepreneur (Founder & CEO at Mercato Blockchain Corporation AG and Weekly Columnist at Daily Fintech) wrote What could kill Bitcoin?

Defining what life is has always been a challenge. Scientists and philosophers have come up with many definitions to differentiate the living from the non-living. Are viruses alive? DNA molecules? Computer viruses? The inventor of cryptographic hashing, Ralph Merkle, has made the argument that “Bitcoin is the first example of a new form of life.” If something is alive, then it can be killed. Over the years, Bitcoin has survived technical attacks, internal conflict and outside criticism. Bitcoin has shown a quality that goes beyond resilience, that doesn’t just withstand the shocks, but improves when facing volatility, randomness, disorder and uncertainty. Bitcoin has an “antifragility” quality. But is there Bitcoin kryptonite? Can something kill Bitcoin?

Editor note: Ilias looks at why so many ways people predicted Bitcoin will fail have proved wrong. Takeaway: buy and Hodl. 


Tuesday Efi Pylarinou @efipm our Swiss-based Fintech Adviser,  founder of Efi Pylarinou Advisory and a Fintech/Blockchain influencer – No.3 influencer in the finance sector by Refinitiv Global Social Media 2019 wrote Blockchain Thematic ETFs from the West to the East

Listing on exchanges continues to dominate. Whether listing on regulated or unregulated Centralized exchanges (CEX) or Decentralized exchanges (DEX) of any sort; this has not changed at all for assets.

Brian Armstrong, the CEO of Coinbase, in his New Year medium post, foresees that we will be moving from a predominantly trading & speculation phase of cryptocurrencies and Tokens of all sorts, to a phase of actually Using Tokens.

In the meantime, however, incumbents and startups continue building all the necessary infrastructure to issue, custody, settle and clear, trade and invest of all sorts of digital assets.

Editor note: Efi’s Post is a great resource for anybody who invests in publicly traded Blockchain companies. 


Wednesday Jessica Ellerm @jessicaellerm, our Australia-based Fintech entrepreneur and thought leader specializing in Small Business and the Gig Economy & CEO/Co-Founder of Zuper, a new superannuation startup in Australia wrote Australia’s Open Banking Dream Drifts Away

It would seem Australia’s hopes of having a quickly implemented open banking regime are fading fast, if not completely transparent already. An already delayed start date of February 2020 has been pushed out to July 2020, causing much consternation in the startup community, as fintechs continue to battle with unpredictability around the regime.

Editor note: Jessica’s post describes startup frustration with the delays in open banking access. 


Thursday Patrick Kelahan @insuranceeleph1, our US based Insurtech expert (a CX, engineering & insurance professional, working with Insurers, Attorneys & Owners who also serves the insurance and Fintech world as the ‘Insurance Elephant’) wrote Addressing some symptoms of insurance issues, and not the underlying causes?

There’s an odd contradiction in some of what the insurance industry does; the industry is built on predicting risk and strategizing risk sharing, yet in many ways it is victim of knowing its own concerns and reacting to and pricing the reaction, and not working to mitigating the effects of the outcomes.  And in at least one case looking to backfill its model to fit corporate strategy and perhaps not customer choice.

Editor note: Pat describes some well funded and executed initiatives in Insurance that did NOT pay off as expected due to applying old thinking to new technology.


Friday  Bernard Lunn, CEO of Daily Fintech and author of The Blockchain Economy, wrote: The Week ending 17 January 2020 in Security Tokens

Editor note: Security Tokens, the disruptive force in the equities market. This weekly snapshot is the news that matters for busy senior people in this market.


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The post This Week in Fintech 17 Jan appeared first on Daily Fintech.

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