Our “before it is news, you can read about it on Daily Fintech” Retrospective of nearly 4 years of Insurtech insights on Daily Fintech


We initiated our weekly Insurtech coverage on Daily Fintech with a post on 25 March 2015 entitled Not that many Insurtech startups – yet. This lede gets a high score nearly 4 years later:

“InsurTech is not as developed as other parts of the Fintech market. It feels more like Fintech around 2011, when a lot was happening but few people were observing what was happening.

InsurTech could develop at a faster pace because a lot of people who missed the rise of Fintech want to make sure they do not miss the next big market opportunity. The explosion of Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) technologies means that startups operating at the top of the stack – at the application layer – can often get tremendously rapid traction.”

Journalists in the UK like to keep the news cycle in perspective by saying “today’s paper will be tomorrow’s fish & chip wrapping” (translation, fish & chip takeaways in the UK were wrapped in newspaper).

Our mission at Daily Fintech is to anticipate the news cycle and sometimes we get it right and can make the claim that  “before it is news, you can read about it on Daily Fintech”.

The reason we can occasionally do this is because what we seek what investors seek – information that is both contrarian and true. Both need to be right for an insight to be valuable. In order to not get into NDA or Insider Trading hot water, the base data must be in the public domain.

For this retrospective I searched through the Insurtech archives to find more posts that meet that tough test:

The Jarvis Smart Helmet IOT Insurtech From Taiwan Is Another First The Rest Then The West Story.

Silicon Valley Gets Amazoned In Insurtech.

ReFocus The Life Insurance Conversation Around The Impending Longevity Change

How Blockchain Could Finally Enable The Vision Of User Controlled Electronic Health Records.

Blockchain Enabled Insurance Creating Waves In The Maritime Industry.

China Is The Global Insurtech Ecosystem Sandbox

Helping rather than replacing the Insurance Agent may be the #Insurtech game plan

Microinsurance Is Insurance For Emerging Customers And It’s A Huge Market Opportunity

Customer Onboarding Is An Easy UX Trick For Insurtech But Claims Processing Requires Some Hard AI Tech

We Interview Joe Taussig To Learn How Warren Buffet Uses Insurance And How You Can Copy Him

Strong User Authentication Could Enable Big Companies To Get Insurance From Cyber Crime.

Root Insurance And The Super Fast Unbundling Of The Insurance Stack.

There are nearly 200 Insurtech posts in our archives, so picking only 12 was tough.

TL:DR. Subscribe to get these insights as they get published every Thursday, so you can get ahead of the herd.

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Bernard Lunn is a Fintech deal-maker, investor, entrepreneur and advisor. He is the author of The Blockchain Economy and CEO of Daily Fintech.

Check out our advisory services (how we pay for this free original research).

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