The Bitcoin off-ramp regulatory problem.

Editor’s Note: this is the 3rd post on Daily Fintech, written in 2014. How things have NOT changed!

To give our authors a break over the holidays, we are re-posting from our archive of over 1,000 articles. Rather than pick favourites we elected to simply  repost the first 8 articles (as that was over 5 years ago you may have missed them; we were pretty unknown then). 

As we close out 2019, make a resolution to be smarter about Fintech in 2020 by subscribing for just US$143 a year (= $0.39 per day). You will get all our fresh daily insights and participate in our forum. You can also read our archives with over 1,000 articles, an example of which you are reading from over 5 years ago.

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Will the Bitcoin off-ramp regulatory problem limit it to transactions within national borders?

Technically, converting Fiat to Bitcoin (on-ramp) and converting Bitcoin to Fiat (off-ramp) is easy. This is an Exchange function and the Internet is perfect for setting up Exchanges.

So, the problem is almost entirely a regulatory problem.

I don’t think there is an on-ramp problem. Regulators want to protect consumers against scams and frauds; they want to make sure that your grandmother does not buy fake Bitcoins. However it is hard to argue that one should prohibit the purchase of any commodity. The American tax authority, IRS, has declared that Bitcoin should be treated like a commodity. You can buy gold or wheat or tulips, so you can buy Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is of course different from all other commodities, because Bitcoin is a digital commodity that can be transferred as easily as an email or any other digital file.

Which leads us to the off-ramp, converting Bitcoin to Fiat.

There are legitimate reasons for regulators to control the off-ramp. This is far too easy for money launderers and other bad actors to abuse. Libertarians can rant against this, but entrepreneurs and investors are wise to treat it as a fact of life. Betting against regulatory control of the off-ramp is a huge speculative risk.

Regulators tend to be happy with a digital currency that only works within the borders of the nation state that they control. There are many of these already such as M-Pesa and and Dwolla. Google has their own currency which you can send as an email attachment – within the US only.

So, regulators will be comfortable with the idea that you can buy Bitcoins in US$ for example and then convert those Bitcoins back to US$. This will be a way for traders/investors to buy Bitcoins in the hope that the price will go up and then sell them for a profit – just like any other commodity.

Regulators are more keen to stop cross border transactions. That is hard for regulators because digital bits don’t stop at borders and present their passport. That is why regulators seek to control the off ramp.

It is possible to imagine a fully regulated global money transfer business that allows you, for example:

1. Buy Bitcoins with US$

2. Send those Bitcoins to the UK.

3. Convert the Bitcoins into UK £

This hypothetical fully regulated global money transfer business would have to go through all the usual KYC (Know Your Customer) checks that regulators have put in place to prevent money laundering and other illegal activity. In that case it cannot offer free exchange and existing money transfer businesses will be able to do exactly the same thing. Consumers who want to change currency only care about a) price and b) speed/convenience. If adding Bitcoins as an intermediate step makes it cheaper and quicker to change currency then this will happen. However, given a regulator/KYC level playing field, it is unclear how adding Bitcoin as an intermediate step makes the transaction cheaper/easier.

This is one of a series called Explorations down the Bitcoin rabbit hole.

As we close out 2019, make a resolution to be smarter about Fintech in 2020 by subscribing for just US$143 a year (= $0.39 per day). You will get all our fresh daily insights and participate in our forum. You can also read our archives with over 1,000 articles, an example of which you are reading from over 5 years ago.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Daily Fintech membership community today!

The post The Bitcoin off-ramp regulatory problem. appeared first on Daily Fintech.

Why I created this blog

Editor’s Note: this is the second post on Daily Fintech (way back in 2014). 

To give our authors a break over the holidays, we are re-posting from our archive of over 1,000 articles. Rather than pick favourites we elected to simply  repost the first 8 articles (as that was over 5 years ago you may have missed them; we were pretty unknown then). 

As we close out 2019, make a resolution to be smarter about Fintech in 2020 by subscribing for just US$143 a year (= $0.39 per day). You will get all our fresh daily insights and participate in our forum. You can also read our archives with over 1,000 articles, an example of which you are reading from over 5 years ago.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Daily Fintech membership community today!

I sold a lot of software to banks, but that Traditional Fintech game got old. Emergent Fintech makes it fun again.

Media likes to talk about “disruptive fintech”, but I preferto think of this more simply as “Fintech for the rest of us”:

  • Customers don’t care about disruption. Customers care about good service at the right price.
  • Banks will be partners with born-digital ventures. This is different from Banks as our only source of financial services. For all the talk of disruption and battles (good for page views and conferences) the more usual change is evolutionary and driven by partnerships.

I started this blog because I could not find anything that covered this patch/space/beat/territory the way that I wanted. Most blogs monetize through advertising, so there are lots posts that riff off a hot news story. I want more background analysis, which you cannot monetize through advertising. I am an entrepreneur. I blog in order to get my thoughts straight and to connect with people who are fishing in the same waters.

Many blogs that do cover Fintech miss the big disruption coming from people outside the current financial system. This is because most blogs are written by people who are over-banked. For example, few blogs cover the huge opportunity among the 70% of the global population that have no bank account at all (the “unbanked”). I won the genetic lottery, I was born in the developed world, but I have lived and worked for enough time in the developing world to have some appreciation of the needs of the unbanked.

It is not just the unbanked in the developing world. There are plenty of people in the West who have been left in the cold by the current financial system. Consider the 25% of Americans who have no FICO score and so find it hard to borrow. Or ask a small business owner how much they like using Factoring or pledging their home as collateral in order to get working capital. Or ask any consumer or small business how much they love paying a lot of money to change currency.

Daily Fintech is about making money by empowering people, not just papering over the cracks of the existing system.

All I want to do is learn more and connect with others who also want to learn more. The monetisation opportunities will flow from those conversations; the Emergent Fintech opportunity is so massive that there will be plenty of monetization opportunities.


As we close out 2019, make a resolution to be smarter about Fintech in 2020 by subscribing for just US$143 a year (= $0.39 per day). You will get all our fresh daily insights and participate in our forum. You can also read our archives with over 1,000 articles, an example of which you are reading from over 5 years ago.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Daily Fintech membership community today!

The post Why I created this blog appeared first on Daily Fintech.

Five Crypto Predictions for 2020


Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a trader was trading, not even a mouse;
The stocking were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Saint Nicholas and Trezor were there;
Investors were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Bitcoins danced in their heads;
The sell orders were posted on exchanges with care,
In hopes that a Bull Rally soon would be there;
More rapid than lightning, the rallies they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
“Now Bitcoin! Now Litecoin! Now Ether and Ripple!
If Monero can double, then you can triple;
The mining rigs hummed in the cellar with clatter,
In hopes that new bitcoins would soon be there;
From Papa John’s pizza all the way to the moon,
You all will be riding the rocket ship soon;
I heard him exclaim as he checked coin market cap,
Merry Crypto to all and HODL for now!

Ilias Louis Hatzis is the Founder at Mercato Blockchain Corporation AG and a weekly columnist at

This year, 2019 was a decent ride picking up steam after the first quarter, while 2020 doesn’t seem ready to slow down or put on the brakes. Instead 2020, might be a breakaway year, especially after the halving in May.

Who would of guessed that Libra’s wheels would come off? That Wyoming would be the only US state with friendly regulations for digital assets and digital-banking? That Bitcoin would have triple-digit gains since December 2018, when the market bottomed out? That cyberattackers compromised the Binance and made off with $41 million in Bitcoin? That Wall Street moved in with J.P. Morgan rolling out their own coin? That China went from a complete ban of cryptocurrencies to a highly publicized all in attitude on the blockchain? That crypto index funds and ETFs, among other things, would show us that with crypto, wealth building is for everybody?

Nevertheless, 2020 is swiftly approaching and it’s time to start the crypto predictions.

#1 Libra: Will go live, but with limited functionality
Governments worldwide work overtime to regulate the rapid emergence of cryptocurrencies and companies in the industry. Facebook has faced enormous hurdles from regulators across the globe, for Libra. It’s not even certain whether the project will be launched at all, if regulators are fully in line with it. But iteration is part of Facebook’s core fabric. Nine years ago Zuckerberg said at a press conference, “We’re trying to be innovative and iterative with our development”. I think this will be how they approach the regulatory problems. An iterative approach can result in ever-closer approximations of a solution, as accuracy improves with each step. Most likely, Libra will go live in one jurisdiction and with very limited scope, partners and functionality, as Facebook iterates everything.

#2 Digital yuan to be followed by digital euro and dollar
While in recent years, China has moved to regulate the cryptocurrency industry, it has been avid supported of blockchain and has been developing its own digital currency, that it will launch in 2020. There has been a consensus among central banks that they need to control money. Mark Carney of the Bank of England, was probably the first leading central banker to talk about the importance for the West to embrace crypto and digitally-enabled money. Christine Lagarde, the ECB chief and former Managing Director of the IMF, thinks a digital euro is a good thing for the EU. It is very likely that Steve Mnuchin, US secretary of the treasury, will announce the digital dollar in 2020, continuing his past narrative about tracking cryptocurrencies.

#3 Developing nations will embrace Bitcoin
While the big global economies are working on the their own versions of fiat backed cryptocurrencies, there are three billion people around the world that don’t trust in their government issued money. Across developing nations in South America and Africa (Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Zimbabwe etc) , we’ve seen rapid adoption for Bitcoin. I expect that across many developing nations in the world, people will want to have a form of digital money that they can rely on.

#4 Stablecoin heaven
The stablecoin trend will continue. While stablecoins are still in the discovery stage, they have become the holy grail, with dozens of projects trying to develop a digital currency with low-volatility, that can withstand speculative attacks and debasement. In 2019, the stablecoin market cap grew from $3.3 to $5 billion. In 2020, the stablecoin market will exceed $20 billion, as we see the launch of Libra and a few others and multi-collateral DAI, accepting BTC and other assets as collateral.

#5 The Lightning Network will do great things
The existence of the Lightning Network on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, already enables cheap, private and instant transactions and payments. The current number of nodes are 10,861 and the number of channels is at 35,000, with the network capacity at 859 BTC (or $6.5 million). In December 2019, Bitfinex announced that their exchange would support Lightning Network transactions. Now even Airbnb allows customers to book stays using the Lightning Network via the Fold App. In 2020, we will see an increased number of applications like the Breez app, created on the Lightning Network.

The new year, we will see crypto and blockchain move from away from something that’s trying to disrupt the old, into mainstream and becoming a bigger part of daily lives. With China’s digital currency set to be rolled out in 2020, digital money will come to the front and center stage. As global governments embark on a new moon race, to launch their own cryptocurrencies, mainstream adoption is set to accelerate.

Subscribe by email to join the other Fintech leaders who read our research daily to stay ahead of the curve. Check out our advisory services (how we pay for this free original research)

The post Five Crypto Predictions for 2020 appeared first on Daily Fintech.

The Financial Services Stack

Editor’s Note: this is the very first post on Daily Fintech. 

To give our authors a break over the holidays, we are re-posting from our archive of over 1,000 articles. Rather than pick favourites we elected to simply  repost the first 8 articles (as that was over 5 years ago you may have missed them; we were pretty unknown then). 

As we close out 2019, make a resolution to be smarter about Fintech in 2020 by subscribing for just US$143 a year (= $0.39 per day). You will get all our fresh daily insights and participate in our forum. You can also read our archives with over 1,000 articles, an example of which you are reading from over 5 years ago.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Daily Fintech membership community today!


The combination of digitization (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud, cryptography), globalization (Rise of the Rest) and demographics (younger Digital Natives) creates a shift in the Financial Services Stack akin to the transformation that happened when the PC stack replaced mainframes. We moved then from vertical integration (mainframe vendors controlled the whole stack) to horizontal layers (Intel, Microsoft, Applications, PC Manufacturers).

Now we are moving from vertically integrated banks that control the whole stack to a horizontal stack with services at the application layer currently controlled by born-digital ventures in areas such as  Lending, Payments, Trade Finance, Foreign Exchange and Wealth Management.

This is fundamentally different from the first wave of Emergent Fintech, which created a lead flow engine for banks by adding a better User Experience on top of existing bank services. Those services (such as Simple) were non-threatening to Banks and made easy acquisition targets.

Both Banks and Traditional Fintech vendors to those banks will face wrenching change to adapt to this big shift in the financial services stack.

Banks that do not change at a fundamental level risk becoming “data centers with fancy lobbies”.

Banks that do not transform at a radical level risk becoming a commodity product with high costs in a market with low cost digital-first alternatives. That is a recipe for declining profitability.

The VC community has already woken up to the massive opportunities at the application layer of the financial services stack, to create category-defining ventures in areas such as Lending, Payments, Trade Finance, Foreign Exchange and Wealth Management.

Many banks will thrive by partnering with the born-digital startups that become dominant in an area of the application stack that they consider non-core.

These banks will leverage their brand, balance sheet strength and low cost of capital to combine products to deliver new experiences for their customers.

These biz dev partnerships will be driven initially by the born-digital startups via APIs. However in the second phase we may see some Banks seize the User Experience challenge to create a whole wave of new consumer-facing services that use data and services from the middle layer via APIs.

Smaller banks may thrive in this new environment because they are used to outsourcing their IT and partnering to deliver services; they see their core competency being their local brand and customer relationships; they know that relationships are the one thing that does not become commoditized.

A few mega banks will try to own the whole stack. However even the biggest banks are starting to exit business lines where they recognize that they cannot get a dominant market share. So these mega banks may be vertical in some markets and horizontal in others.

IT vendors serving the banks face a hard grind in this environment. It is really hard to sell to middle management when an industry is going through this kind of “transform or die” change. Traditional Fintech vendors will have to either move up the stack or down the stack. Moving up the stack means becoming a trusted adviser at Board level, making change happen from strategy down to code. There are already very strong vendors such as Accenture and IBM in this rarified air, so it is hard to break in here. Moving down the stack is equally hard because you have to become the disrupter in a market you are already in, with a 10x better, faster, cheaper solution. Vendors that don’t make either move – up or down the stack – will be “rolled up” into tech conglomerates and the product will slowly fade away.

It is unlikely that we will see anything like a Wintel level dominance of the bottom of the stack. Regulators will be concerned about this and VCs will bring their lobbying power (including modern digital lobbying) to remind politicians not to kill the goose that lays the golden egg of innovation. So the bottom of the stack is likely to be open source and standards-based using technologies such as Blockchain.

The bottom of the stack in application terms will be deposit taking. This is so ripe for fraud, that you will have to be regulated as a Bank to get FDIC Insurance (or equivalent in other countries); without that protection consumers won’t trust you.

The fundamental shift at the consumer level is:

“We don’t go to the Bank, the Bank comes to us.”

In all the earlier generations of technology we went to the Bank:

1.0 we went to the Bank’s branch.

2.0 we went to the Bank via an ATM.

3.0 we went to the Bank via their web site.

The current wave of technology means that Banks need to be there and relevant at the point when the custommer is considering a transaction (whatever that transaction might be – buying/selling a product/service, buying stocks and bonds, etc) on whatever device the user has at that moment in time. This experience has to be real time, event driven, powered by recommendations from personalized data, in context and mobile.

Context is king & queen because context is what drives User Experience

As we close out 2019, make a resolution to be smarter about Fintech in 2020 by subscribing for just US$143 a year (= $0.39 per day). You will get all our fresh daily insights and participate in our forum. You can also read our archives with over 1,000 articles, an example of which you are reading from over 5 years ago.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Daily Fintech membership community today!

The post The Financial Services Stack appeared first on Daily Fintech.

This Week in Fintech 20 December

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This weekly summary from our 5 experts, brings you insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives.

Ilias Hatzis started his first company, an internet search engine, during the dot-com era & now focusses on crypto.

Efi Pylarinou worked for top tier Wall Street firms and is now a top global Fintech influencer.

Jessica Ellerm is CEO of Zuper Superannuation & previously worked for a top Fintech startup, Tyro.

Patrick Kelahan is a CX, engineering & insurance professional, working with Insurers, Attorneys & Owners.

Arunkumar Krishnakumar is a VC investor, podcast host & writer focused on deep technology & sustainability.

If you want to continue receiving This Week in Fintech, you can either become a paying Member for $143 per year (and receive all our content in addition to this weekly summary) by clicking here.  If you just want to receive This Week in Fintech for free, you will need to fill in this form. Or fill in the same sign up form at the bottom of this post.

Your Editor is Bernard Lunn a Fintech deal-maker, investor, entrepreneur & advisor. He is CEO of Daily Fintech and author of The Blockchain Economy.

Monday Ilias Hatzis @iliashatzis our Greece-based crypto entrepreneur (Founder & CEO at Mercato Blockchain Corporation AG and Weekly Columnist at Daily Fintech) wrote Is Cryptocurrency the Future of Money?

According to Deutsche Bank the current money system is fragile. Deutsche Bank sees that by 2030 digital currencies will rise to over 200 million users. In the “Imagine 2030” report, Deutsche Bank suggests that digital currency could eventually replace cash one day, as demand for anonymity and a more decentralized means of payment grows.

Editor note: When I first dove down the Bitcoin rabbit hole in 2014, the idea that it could compete with Fiat money was only a pipe dream of cypherpunks. In 2019, one of the world’s biggest banks is voicing this opinion.


Tuesday Efi Pylarinou @efipm our Swiss-based Fintech Adviser,  founder of Efi Pylarinou Advisory and a Fintech/Blockchain influencer – No.3 influencer in the finance sector by Refinitiv Global Social Media 2019 wrote Mortgages for `Branch-Never` clients is the next re-bundling item  

Allocating capital and managing the risk on the debt side of our personal balance sheet is larger, more complex, and determines whether we reach our goals or how far away do we end up. This is primarily where we all need advice (human, bionic, hybrid) in the first place, and subsequently in the investment segment of our finances`

Editor note:Mortgages and home ownership is key to wealth management for the rest of us. Earlier, Efi had explored how mortgage lenders are moving into robo advisory. Now she shows the intersection coming from the other direction. 


Wednesday Jessica Ellerm @jessicaellerm, our Australia-based Fintech entrepreneur and thought leader specializing in Small Business and the Gig Economy & CEO/Co-Founder of Zuper, a new superannuation startup in Australia wrote Coconut builds new offering on the ‘banking commons’

SME current-account and bookkeeping tool Coconut recently announced that along with the company’s baked in current account, provided by Prepay Solutions, customers can now connect up their existing business current account.

Editor note: It is hard to get more boring – and lucrative – than helping small business owners invoice and manage their bookkeeping more effectively. SME Finance is moving from an underserved market to one that is hot and scaling fast.


Thursday Patrick Kelahan @insuranceeleph1, our US based Insurtech expert (a CX, engineering & insurance professional, working with Insurers, Attorneys & Owners who also serves the insurance and Fintech world as the ‘Insurance Elephant’) wrote The InsurTechs were nestled all snug in their beds, with visions of 2020 dancing in their heads

It’s the end of 2019, an auspicious year for insurance and InsurTech, and it’s the end of the year with expectations in the business world for business results and (hopeful) bonuses.  And of course there is the wondrous shadow of December holidays over all, with visions of sugarplums dancing in heads.

Not everyone celebrates a Christmas holiday, Chanukah, or Eid, but one cannot avoid the end of year holiday gifting and hopes.

In keeping with that spirit this final InsurTech column for 2019 wishes all well for the season and bright things for 2020.

Editor note: A great round up of the movers and shakers in Insurtech as we move to leave behind tired old 2019 and go to fresh clear eyed 2020. 


Friday Arunkumar Krishnakumar @karunk, our London based Fintech investor, (Venture Capital investor at Green Shores Capital focusing on deppp technology & sustainability) wrote Financial Identity could add $250 Bn to Asia and Latam

These days, I hear headlines on Financial Inclusion so often that, it makes me wonder if Financial Inclusion is the new Fintech. The past three years in India, with the rise of payments, Aadhaar and last mile access to financial services is a great example.

We have also had Nubank from Latin America that won Softbank’s investment, and the Grab and GoJek story in South East Asia. Some of them are taking the digital banking route to genuinely address an unbanked population, while others are simply using their lifestyle apps to provide sticky financial services.

Editor note:The emergence of billions of people in the Rest of the World into a global middle class is the story of the 21st century for investors, entrepreneurs and governments. These billons need an on ramp to the financial system, a process labeled financial inclusion. 

Good wishes to all our readers around the world for for whatever holidays you celebrate. May 2020 bring you everything you hope for.


To continue receiving ‘This Week in Fintech’, the weekly recap of our articles, you will need to fill this form to give us consent to send this to you. Please note that Daily Fintech requires your organizational email address (e.g. corporate, educational or government) and your LinkedIn URL. This information is required for subscribers who want ‘This Week in Fintech’ for free. If you prefer to not provide this information, you can still receive all our content by becoming a paying member.

The post This Week in Fintech 20 December appeared first on Daily Fintech.

Financial Identity could add $250 Bn to Asia and Latam

These days, I hear headlines on Financial Inclusion so often that, it makes me wonder if Financial Inclusion is the new Fintech. The past three years in India, with the rise of payments, Aadhaar and last mile access to financial services is a great example.


Image Source

We have also had Nubank from Latin America that won Softbank’s investment, and the Grab and GoJek story in South East Asia. Some of them are taking the digital banking route to genuinely address an unbanked population, while others are simply using their lifestyle apps to provide sticky financial services.

This is in stark contrast to the overbanked West, where we see challenger banks, trying to win brownie points using ‘financial inclusion’ as a marketing ploy. There are several arguments about their scalability and viability due to the overbanked markets they are going after.

Most Fintech events these days have a panel on financial inclusion. I recently came across an event planned in India, and the objective was to make it as grand as the Singapore Fintech Festival. I understand there are several panels focused on Financial Inclusion. It’s not surprising as Asia is seen as the hub of financial inclusion.

However, in several of these instances, trying to achieve financial inclusion before getting a financial identity to the unbanked is like placing the cart before the horse.

One of the first articles I wrote on Daily Fintech was about a firm called BanQ. They were working on providing economic identities to women farmers in Africa. They were also using Blockchain to achieve that.

It wasn’t just BanQ, another startup Agriledger led by Genevieve Leveille is looking at solving inefficiencies in the food supply chain. The transaction data that Agriledger would capture in the process would act as an economic identity for the farmer. As a result they can avail other financial services, thanks to their track record on the ledger.

Even when Libra was announced, one of my biggest hope and ask from the project was solving the identity problem. It was positioned as offering financial inclusion at scale – but they were in a perfect position to first solve the social and economic identity issue as the first step towards getting to inclusion at scale.

If identity solutions are globalised, refugees can be offered jobs in their countries of refuge – a farmer in Africa, seeking refuge in Spain, could find it easier to get a loan to start or work in a farm in Spain. All he needs to show is his track record as a farmer.

It should be the same as an executive moving from one country to another for employment, without having to start from scratch completely.

On that note, I came across a report by Oxford Economics and identify firm Juvo. The report highlights the following countries and the potential GDP growth in those countries with proper financial identity initiatives.

    • India – $7 Bn
    • Indonesia – $15 Bn
    • Philippines – $15 Bn
    • Pakistan – $9 Bn
    • Mexico – $31 Bn

In essence, tapping into mobile operators and providing financial identities to one and all would add $250 Bn to the global GDP and make available about $408 Bn worth of credit.

These numbers feel too low to me, perhaps the numbers are just an immediate benefit, and not a weighted or discounted average across years.

The projection that caught my attention in the report was that identities could increase the per capital GDP by $25 in South and South East Asia. This is a massive value-add when put into perspective.

While I wish Juvo all the very best in achieving their goals on financial identities, I believe it has to be a big player like a facebook or google, who would be best positioned to launch an self sovereign identity platform. It could perhaps be centralised on day 1, but evolve into a self sovereign network of identities.

When that happens, there would be onboarding of people onto financial services like never seen before. At this stage, it is all just wishful thinking though!

The post Financial Identity could add $250 Bn to Asia and Latam appeared first on Daily Fintech.

How Security Tokens may seize the day after SEC bans direct primary listings.

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Bernard Lunn is a Fintech deal-maker, investor, entrepreneur & advisor. He is CEO of Daily Fintech and author of The Blockchain Economy.

The news 9 months ago was unexciting and seemed like a no brainer. On February 8, 2018, the headline (from a law firm called Skadden) was SEC Approves NYSE Rules to Facilitate Direct Listings

Who would not want direct listings?

Then on December 10, 2019, the headline from another law firm (Cooley) was SEC fast tracks a “no” to NYSE primary direct listing proposal.


To understand what is going on we have to go below the headlines.

What this reveals is a different point of view between Wall Street West (aka Silicon Valley) and Wall Street East (aka New York).

To understand this, start with the basics of direct primary listings vs investment banker underwritten offerings.

Direct primary listings vs banker underwritten offerings

A direct primary listing means an SEC registered/regulated sale of Securities directly into the public market and here is the difference, without intermediary underwriter commissions or roadshow expenses. Direct listings puts the marketing responsibility onto the issuer, without relying on the bankers.

Although everybody refers to direct listings, the more precise term should be direct primary listing. Primary means that the  issuing company collects funds for selling securities; secondary means existing shareholders sell securities and collect the money. Direct secondary is permitted now.

Using the Daily Fintech Qui Bono/Qui Amisit Analysis:

  • Qui Bono. Direct listings are good for some issuers/entrepreneurs who have plenty of capital and a well-known consumer brand. The best articulation of this point of view comes from one of the leading purveyors of capital for entrepreneurs, the always articulate Bill Gurley of Benchmark Capital. In short, get your capital from private funds and do your own marketing. This makes sense because a modern IPO is much more of a marketing event than a capital raising event.
  • Qui Amisit. Direct listings are bad for Investment Banks who lose some of those underwriting commissions. Most other players in the ecosystem are neutral or positive about direct listings. Many lawyers for example, anticipate growth from direct listings.

Issuing public stock is more than a marketing or capital raising exercise. Two key advantages are that it provides a public stock currency for M&A, and enables employees to see and get value from public stock bonuses. The third reason helps explain why VCs are so keen on this and why the SEC reversed course – a direct listing does away with lock-up periods at the offering for insiders.

A direct listing works well for consumer brands such as Spotify. Many companies that are less well known (such as enterprise ventures) may rather have an underwriter/banker doing the work for them of selling the shares of an IPO into their network, pricing, taking them on road show and creating an aftermarket.

A direct listing also works well for unicorns, where the the NY underwriters are not essential to creating demand/liquidity. The unicorn in the IPO pipeline that might have been pondering a direct listing is Airbnb.

So, what does all this have to do with Security Tokens? To understand this, understand three three letter acronyms – ICO, IEO, STO


ICO = initial Coin Offering = unregulated offerings using Ethereum that the SEC declared to be Securities. Big in 2017 as entrepreneurs bypassed the traditional gatekeepers.

STO = Security Token Offerings = regulated offerings using Ethereum that are officially Securities. These were big on the hope front in the early days of 2018 as the crypto market crashed and ICOs were deemed no longer valid.

IEO = Initial Exchange Offering. This makes the Exchange into the gatekeeper. That could mean legacy exchanges such as NYSE & NASDAQ or the new breed of crypto exchanges such as Binance. The more liquidity offered by  the Exchange, the more they can charge for their gatekeeper role.

All these with O are designed to evoke IPO. A direct primary listing is different and maybe coming to the token world.

Direct primary listing applies to both shares and tokens

Our thesis is that the direct listings vs IPO debate will come to the token world. What we call a Security Token + Direct Listing remains to be seen. It could be something like STL = Security Token Listing.

You simply list your offering using Ethereum and do a lot of marketing to ensure that it gets noticed so that there is liquidity. If that comes to pass, we can redo the Daily Fintech Qui Bono/Qui Amisit Analysis. Qui Bono is all the entrepreneurs and their investors – same as with direct primary listings. Qui Amisit is some of the Investment Bankers eager for underwriting fees.

Most direct token offerings will be by unknown companies, who will still need some form of Investment Bankers who will market the offering to investors.   

If our thesis is correct that the direct listings will come to the token world, the regulation will be critical. The SEC slamming NYSE primary direct listings may simply serve the function of slowing it down until the rules and risks are studied better. Watch this space. We may see SEC approved direct primary token listings in 2020. 

As this is so driven by legal and regulatory issues, we reached out to Sheldon Freedman for comment. Sheldon Freedman, who is a Fintech Lawyer at Hassans International Law Firm, a multi-services law firm based in Gibraltar with a strong Fintech and Blockchain practice and also a DailyFintech Dean told us:

“The hunger among issuing companies and investors for a shorter path to funding and liquidity is a powerful driver for Security Token capitalization (whether via IPOs or Direct Listings). Those entrepreneurs will of course need to commit capital for legal/regulatory as well as for marketing to effect successful offerings.”


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The InsurTechs were nestled all snug in their beds, with visions of 2020 dancing in their heads


It’s the end of 2019, an auspicious year for insurance and InsurTech, and it’s the end of the year with expectations in the business world for business results and (hopeful) bonuses.  And of course there is the wondrous shadow of December holidays over all, with visions of sugarplums dancing in heads.

Not everyone celebrates a Christmas holiday, Chanukah, or Eid, but one cannot avoid the end of year holiday gifting and hopes.

In keeping with that spirit this final InsurTech column for 2019 wishes all well for the season and bright things for 2020.

Patrick Kelahan is a CX, engineering & insurance professional, working with Insurers, Attorneys & Owners. He also serves the insurance and Fintech world as the ‘Insurance Elephant’.


There are some friends and businesses for whom its hoped that Santa/Father Christmas/whoever finds holiday gifts.  All deserving, all have been good this year.

  • Parametric insurance– better understanding within the industry of its opportunities for cover and dramatic growth
  • John Bachmann, Social Survey– more vowels so his customer experience video series can carry on into 2020
  • Zurich Insurance- Mark Budd and Nicola Cannings– full subscription for its innovation contest
  • Erika Kriszan– recognition as the founder of the quietest best InsurTech conference- MOI Vienna
  • IRDAI– prudence in choosing the twenty participants in the Indian insurance sandbox
  • Coverager– all the respect they deserve for keeping the insurance industry informed

Holidays – any holiday – are such a great opportunity to focus on bringing the family together.  Lidia Bastianich

  • Paolo Sironi– a platform to expose his finance and economics ‘chops’ to a broader audience
  • The Daily Fintech– continued recognition as a best-in-class Fintech/InsurTech/blockchain/crypto resource, and being seen as the best value within the respective blogs’ world
  • Michael Porpora– a project for 2020 that outdoes his 2019 365 days of connections
  • Robin Kiera– a championship for the Hamburg football team
  • Nomaan Bashir– 2% insurance cover penetration within the Pakistani market
  • Lloyd’s of London– a balance beam to help the venerable institution integrate business and org change into its 300-year-old club
  • Insurance Nerds– continued traction advocating for insurance and continuity of the many of are privileged to work in insurance jobs

The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us. Terri Marshall 

  • Benekiva– beneficiary first in every life insurance company’s stocking
  • Ukrainian InsurTechs– realization that there are great things happening in the industry there that have nothing to do with global politics
  • Intellect SEEC– more storage capacity to hold all those data
  • The California Dept of Insurance– an understanding that best intentions can produce unintended consequences
  • Lemonade Insurance– markers of many colors to try as an alternative to magenta
  • Rahul Mather– rest.
  • Road Warriors– time at home

Merry Merry and Happy New Year.

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Coconut builds new offering on the ‘banking commons’

Jessica Ellerm is a thought leader specializing in Small Business and the Gig Economy and is the CEO and Co-Founder of Zuper, a neowealth disruptor in Australia.

SME current-account and bookkeeping tool Coconut recently announced that along with the company’s baked in current account, provided by Prepay Solutions, customers can now connect up their existing business current account.

It marks an interesting pivot for the business, away from a what would have been expected of a quasi-neobanking player, that is to double down on building a large footprint of its own current account users.

Instead, it’s focusing on the problem at hand – helping small business owners invoice and manage their bookkeeping more effectively. Something banks and larger accounting platforms have failed to do on their own, at the micro-SME level.

Coconut’s move is just one example of new business models emerging as banking data becomes openly available to any software application. Defining exactly what new businesses like Coconut are is hard – they aren’t a bank, but they do bank like things. They’re also not an accounting provider, but they do accounting like things.

So just what are they? More to the point, does it even really matter?

Not really. So long as people are buying.

Coconut have 16,000 freelancer and small business owners using its co-joined product offering today. But what could they possibly bring on board by uncoupling the best parts and joining them to the commodity part, the bank account?

Well, that number could run into the millions. And that’s no doubt the SaaS market Coconut wants, leveraging the infrastructure and investment of the banks and their responsibility to bear the costs of keeping current accounts alive.

The ‘banking commons’ that many startups like Coconut are drawing on, represents a very real new threat for the banking sector.

The post Coconut builds new offering on the ‘banking commons’ appeared first on Daily Fintech.

Mortgages for `Branch-Never` clients is the next re-bundling item  

`Allocating capital and managing the risk on the debt side of our personal balance sheet is larger, more complex, and determines whether we reach our goals or how far away do we end up. This is primarily where we all need advice (human, bionic, hybrid) in the first place, and subsequently in the investment segment of our finances`

This is an excerpt from a post I wrote nearly 3yrs ago The vertical integration of SoFi has the core entry point right! One of the points I was making is that offering mortgages first and then expanding into wealth management, is the way to go during this digital transformation and cannibalization of several financial products. Simply because the value add of advice on the debt side is significant and easier for the end customer to understand.

Efi Pylarinou is the founder of Efi Pylarinou Advisory and a Fintech/Blockchain influencer – No.3 influencer in the finance sector by Refinitiv Global Social Media 2019.

Since then, the digital mortgage market has evolved – US players like Roostify, Mojo mortgages, or ElliMae – and several partnerships have been established. For example, Ally Financial partnered recently with digital mortgage disruptor; or HSBC with Roostify.

Since then, the market reality is that several Fintechs in the investment part (e.g. robo-advisors) have cannibalized products and services, while increasing customer acquisition costs. As a result, they have been forced to expand their initial laser focused offering. Which brings me to the recent announcement of Wealthfront, the digital-only standalone robo-advisor, that plans to add mortgages to its offering.

Screen Shot 2019-12-16 at 10.20.06.png

Wealthfront started on the asset side of our personal finances and is now enriching its offering on the liability side. Sofi did the reverse. Wealthfront, however, has been analyzing data for its clients around home pricings and mortgages, as part of their saving goals towards mortgage down payments. So Wealthfront is not starting from zero. They see demand (they always have been) on customers that are `Branch-Nevers` as they call them.

At the same time, Varo Money the mobile-only banking app (with no banking license yet) has been offering unbeatable free checking and high-yield savings accounts, and plans also to add mortgages and more once they get a banking license. Both Sofi and Wealthfront have added cash and savings accounts.

What a mashed-up market!

From unbundling, integrating, then re-bundling and consolidating. Over and over again.

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