Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 26th October.

Here is our pick of the 3 most important stablecoin stories during the week. Stablecoins and Crypto are stable whilst everything else is volatile! This week, I noticed an interesting thing while researching how successful Binance’s conversion of their customers from USDC to BUSD has been.  You may remember a few weeks back, Binance announced it […]

The post Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 26th October. first appeared on Daily Fintech.

The UK LDI Gilts blow up rhymes with GFC 2008 and AFC 1998

Mark Twain once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” This is certainly true of financial cycles. What all have in common is an attempt to use derivatives and leverage to make something risky appear safe. If you understand the above you are all set and can skip to the end […]

The post The UK LDI Gilts blow up rhymes with GFC 2008 and AFC 1998 first appeared on Daily Fintech.

The year your great-grandpa bought bitcoin

This year has been tough for many companies in the crypto market. Some have collapsed altogether, others have fired a huge number of employees to keep their heads above water and some are going all in on crypto. It’s no secret that in 2022 the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been tumbling, and […]

The post The year your great-grandpa bought bitcoin first appeared on Daily Fintech.

Alt Lending week ended 21st October 2022

Revolut shifts trading clients to Lithuania. Blames Brexit It seems that Fintech start up Revolut is moving the hosting of a million of its trading clients from the its UK trading subsidiary to its to Lithuania. Apparently, this is because the UK regulator has not yet granted the outfit a Mifid licence which would allow […]

The post Alt Lending week ended 21st October 2022 first appeared on Daily Fintech.

XBRL News about Georgia, human rights and digital financial reporting

Here are the most relevant developments in the world of structured reporting we became aware of in the course of last week. 1  Human rights reporting needs machine readable data The Danish Institute for Human Rights has published a notable discussion paper on sustainability reporting and human rights. It reports on a project which aimed […]

The post XBRL News about Georgia, human rights and digital financial reporting first appeared on Daily Fintech.

Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 19th October.

Here is our pick of the 3 most important stablecoin stories during the week. China’s CBDC slows, Tether gets T Bills and the USA has an ugly baby! This week we got an update from China on their CBDC, whose uptake has slowed to a crawl, whilst Tether in response to criticism has now put all […]

The post Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 19th October. first appeared on Daily Fintech.

Binance hack reveals crypto’s weaknesses

Binance is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange. It wasn’t hacked. Hackers stole $570M in tokens from Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange. The hack targeted the BSC Token Hub, which serves as a link between two Binance systems. Binance reported in a blog post that an exploit affecting a cross-chain bridge between their BNB Beacon […]

The post Binance hack reveals crypto’s weaknesses first appeared on Daily Fintech.

The UK is currently being treated as a poor credit risk. There are worse risks within the Eurozone Seems like bond traders have got a downer on the UK. They should cast their beady eyes over the Eurozone where there is serious trouble on the horizon. Of course the UK government did a pretty lousy […]

The post first appeared on Daily Fintech.

The blowback from 28 years of cookies advertising technology is coming soon 

Netscape released cookies technology  28 years ago on October 13, 1994. This spawned a vast industry that some call surveillance advertising (more politely referred to as targeted advertising or behavioural marketing) that powers the Internet that we use every day. The blowback from 28 years of cookies advertising technology will start with 3rd party cookies […]

The post The blowback from 28 years of cookies advertising technology is coming soon  first appeared on Daily Fintech.

XBRL News for European banks, CFA Institute members and ESG preparers

Here are the most relevant developments in the world of structured reporting we became aware of in the course of last week. 1  EBA announces 2023 plans, including data access The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its work programme for 2023. The plans include a focus on placing data at the service of stakeholders. The […]

The post XBRL News for European banks, CFA Institute members and ESG preparers first appeared on Daily Fintech.