This website has been designed to be as user friendly as possible

This website has been designed to be as user friendly as possible. Some of the accessibility features are listed below. The extent to which these are available is dependent on the site’s content editors.


This website is controlled by a cascading stylesheet. If there is an aspect of the design you would like to change, such as the colours, you may apply your own stylesheet locally in your Internet browser.

Text size

The majority of text throughout this website is resizable. You can normally increase or decrease the text size in your Internet browser settings:

‘View’ – ‘Text Size’ – then select the size your require.


The use of javascript is kept to a minimum throughout this website. Where it is in use, alternative methods of navigation are also provided.


Headings are used in this site to give it a defined structure. H1 tags are used for main page titles. H2 tags are used for subtitles etc.


Throughout the website, where possible, fields and objects have been given a description. These include:

  • Alt tags describing the contents of images
  • Summary descriptions for tables