Wrong beneficiary details

I’ve realized that beneficiary details are wrong. What do I do?

On Priority payments, we can try to recall funds that have been sent to an incorrect account, however, this option is not available for local payments. Please note, we cannot amend beneficiary details retrospectively once a payment has been released.

Recalls are not always successful as it relies on the co-operation and approval of the receiving bank and the beneficiary. We can only place one recall on a payment and this cannot be cancelled. Once the recall is placed, our banking partner will chase for a response after seven working days. No further chaser will be made until a response is received.

The best way to get funds returned is for the beneficiary to contact the receiving bank directly, inform them of the situation and request that they reject the payment.

Transfer Times

Please allow up to 4 working days for the payment to clear into the recipient account. To ensure we meet our Anti-Money Laundering obligations we may, from time to time, ask you for more information relating to your payment. This may be required before your money transfer reaches the recipient bank account.

Wire Transfer Regulations (WTR2)


The new Wire Transfer Regulations (WTR2) came into effect on June 26, 2017. The regulations require that accurate payer and beneficiary information accompanies the transfer of funds in order to further combat financial crimes and money laundering.

From October 11, 2017, payer detail fields will be mandatory on the PAA CAPITAL platform to ensure WTR2 compliance.

What does this mean for PAA CAPITAL clients?

The following information on Payers will be mandatory regardless of the type/origin/destination of the payment.

Payer (Individual)

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Full Address
  • Date of Birth

Payer (Company)

  • Company Name
  • Full Address

Note: The above is the minimum set of information required for all payments. Some payment types/currencies may have additional requirements.

Non-permitted activity on SWIFT Payments

As part of our ongoing commitment to mitigate the risk of money laundering & terrorist financing., PAA CAPITAL has placed a number of restrictions on the type of industries, activities, and countries we are able to support and service.

Failure to comply with these restrictions can result in delayed payments or rejected payments with continuous breaches leading to account closure.

Non-Permitted Industries

  • Weapons / Military-Grade Security
  • Multi-Level Marketing
  • Pawnbrokers
  • Political Organizations
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Carbon Credits
  • Ponzi / Pyramid Schemes
  • Firms involved in the servicing of illegal goods/services including but not limited to: Counterfeit Goods/trademark infringement, Human Trafficking, Child Labor, Prostitution.

Non-Permitted Client Types

  • Financial Institutions making payments on behalf of other financial institutions, also known as ‘nested relationships’ or ‘Layering.’
  • Shell Banks
  • Unregistered Charities

Non-Permitted Activities

  • Clients are not allowed to use our services to speculate changes in FX