Ready for Web3 crypto security?

Everyone is talking and working on Web3. Jack Dorsey is going even further, talking about Web5 powered by Bitcoin. Web3 is the new evolution of the web that’s powered by crypto. On Web2 platforms like Facebook and Twitter, users can only “read and write.” On Web3 platforms, users can “read, write and own” — meaning […]

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Are you a bitcoin skeptic or believer?

Over the years, bitcoin has gone from fringe to the mainstream. Once the playground for diehard developers, it has become a major topic of conversation for governments, big tech, and banks who are looking to position themselves to make a land grab. Since the dawn of history, there’s been a power struggle between the old […]

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Web3.0 in insurance Part 1: Futuristic or panacea?

Web 3.0 is founded on a substrate of edge computing, machine learning and decentralized data architecture. This decentralization of data hinges on blockchain technology to create an open, secure and transparent workscape, enabling participants on the network to interact sans intermediaries, while ensuring that data ownership resides with users. The expectation for Web3 is to […]

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Fintech Macro Part 3 Bitcoin is bad for traditional finance

I could have said Crypto is bad for traditional finance but – disclosure – I am a Bitcoin maximalist and own some. Bitcoin is part of a Web3 vision of an Internet that is not controlled by a few big centralised players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon ie the Web2 we use every day. […]

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