Insurtech Front Page Weekly CXO Briefing – Blockchain not dead in insurance

Blockchain insurance

The Theme last week was Incumbents on customer engagement.

The Theme this week is Blockchain not dead in insurance. Blockchain, or cryptocurrency is dead for many investors, but it is still a promising future for insurance.

For more about the Front Page Weekly CXO Briefing, please click here.

Incumbents embracing InsurTech is a common theme in our posts. This time, it’s about customer engagement.


Story 1: Ant’s Alipay uses blockchain to process health insurance claims in seconds

Extract, read more on Ledger Insights:

“Alipay is processing health insurance claims within seconds using a blockchain system, state-owned Securities Daily reported yesterday.

Alipay runs a free health insurance product as part of its rewards system. When users pay offline with AliPay, they earn bonus points towards the health insurance product. The plan is run with one of China’s largest life insurers Taikang Insurance. Within a month of launching in April 2017, 13 million people had signed up for the rewards program which amounts to 11% of Taikang’s online users, according to Asean Today.”

Ant Financial is the Fintech arm of Alibaba and is known for its exploration spirits. They tried to launch a mutual insurance project in October this year, but was compromised due to a rumored and undisclosed conflict of interest. One fails, keeps going with another. They certainly still have faith in blockchain.


Story 2: State Farm turns to blockchain for subrogation

Extract, read more on Digital Insurance:

“State Farm is working on a blockchain application to assist in subrogation, leveraging open-source software and in partnership with at least one other insurer.

The company’s goal is to establish whether blockchain technology can make subrogation more efficient, in particular by preventing repetitive transfers of funds back and forth between insurers.”

Subrogation is a relatively new field for applications of InsurTech and State Farm is getting a first-mover advantage.


Story 3: Australia: National Transport Insurance Partners on Blockchain for Food Safety Trial

Extract, read more on Cointelegraph:

“Australia’s National Transport Insurance (NTI) has announced it will trial a blockchain system to improve supply chain integrity for beef exports abroad. The trial was reported by local transport industry magazine Fully Loaded ATN on Dec. 10.

NTI will reportedly be partnering with BeefLedger, an Australian “integrated provenance, blockchain security and payments platform,” which combines blockchain with Internet of Things (IoT) technology to bolster product credentials across the supply chain.”

Both NTI and BeefLedger are not well known in the InsurTech community. And the alleged application is not insurance-centered. However, it’s a trial involving trans-border business, origin tracing and liability monitoring. It can be enlightening for insurance, if it pans out.

2018 is a very bad year for blockchain enthusiasts, but on the bright side, we might have entered post-bubble era just like the early 2000s. With less hype, expectation and more commitment, blockchain can still find its appropriate values.

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Zarc Gin is an analyst for Warp Speed Fintech, a Fintech, especially InsurTech-focused Venture Capital based in China.

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Insurtech Front Page Weekly CXO Briefing – Agitation


The Theme last week was InsurTech action from China

The Theme this week is agitation. The  insurance industry is rattled. This week we bring you three stories that show customers, InsurTech ventures and  incumbents all agitated; but all for different reasons.

For more about the Front Page Weekly CXO Briefing, please click here.

For this week we bring you three stories illustrating the theme of Agitation.

 Story 1: Some life insurers unsure they can get results from digital

Extract, read more on Digital Insurance:

“Life insurers are still lagging other industries and even lines of insurance when it comes to leveraging data in the enterprise, including on the sales side, according to a report from RGAX.

Nearly a third said it is too expensive to introduce or expand digital marketing efforts, mostly because their companies aren’t equipped to recover the cost, RGAX found.”

The survey was conducted among small-to-mid size life insurers who hope to create a breakthrough with the help of digitalization. The cruel reality is that there is a high capital barrier for them to go through first.

Story 2: Customers Vote: State Farm or Lemonade?

Extract, read more on Insurance Thought Leadership:

“A recent social media dust-up between renters and homeowners insurance technology upstart Lemonade Insurance and old-line insurance industry stalwart State Farm motivated us to look at what their respective customers are saying about their experiences with the companies.

A little context: State Farm recently aired a television commercial poking fun at technology-focused entrants to the marketplace. Specifically, the commercial made fun of the use of bots (artificial intelligence) used to process claims.”

State Farm probably just wanted to stress the importance of real-person agent. But it got interpreted in another way. It could mark a significant moment of agitation between incumbents and startups.

Story 3: Marsh rolls out social unrest insurance coverage

Extract, read more on Life Insurance International:

“Marsh has introduced a standalone social unrest insurance plan that offers financial protection to businesses in event of losses.

The product, which is underwritten by Chaucer, provides coverage of up to $20m for denial of entry/leaving a property caused due to terrorism, protests, civil unrest and strikes.”

When it comes to agitations among regular people, it’s good to see we can seek insurance for help.

When the whole industry is on a fast track, some may be afraid of being left behind, some may worry that their efforts are made in vain. Thus agitation appears. It could be a good thing for customers if agitation induces more innovation, and more discounts.

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Zarc Gin is an analyst for Warp Speed Fintech, a Fintech, especially InsurTech-focused Venture Capital based in China.

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