The Theme last week was a review for InsurTech in 2018.
The Theme this week, at the beginning of 2019 is Prospect, a preview for 2019. What trends have the potential to impact future market? Which startups should you pay attention to? Let’s find out.
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Incumbents embracing InsurTech is a common theme in our posts. This time, it’s about customer engagement.
Story 1: 10 insurtech predictions for 2019: XL Innovate
Extract, read more on Digital Insurance:
“XL Innovate are watching all of the InsurTech developments and trends closely and expect to see a number of exciting changes occur in 2019. Here are 10 predictions for the coming year.”
Predictions include tech giants’ potential expansion in InsurTech, technologies like AI and blockchain going different directions, influences InsurTech gradually imposing on insurance etc.
Story 2: 10 insurtech start-ups to watch out for in 2019
Extract, read more on Bobs Guide:
“The global insurance market has remained more or less untouched by philosophical shifts for decades. Yet thanks to a flurry of recent tech innovations, an influx of investment from venture capitalists and sky-high demand for bigger, better and faster insurance products, the sector is now engulfed in a proverbial evolution.
That evolution has been driven largely by a fresh crop of insurtech start-ups racing to leverage a variety of blockchain technologies, machine learning techniques and revolutionary product lines in order to squeeze out savings that can be subsequently passed on to customers and create an ecosystem of more efficient insurers.”
Well-known names like Lemonade and Metromile are included in the list as well as relatively new ones such as CyStellar and Ins For Renascence.
Story 3: 5 Insurtech Questions for 2019
Extract, read more on Medium blog:
“The return of investment market volatility could make 2019 a year when what life and annuity issuers really want out of information technology is stability.
When the environment is calm, insurers may dream of fancy tech worlds of tomorrow.
When the ground is rolling like waves on the ocean, insurers may cling to any tech systems that can help them stay upright as banks, securities brokers, asset managers, and poorly anchored insurers blow past.”
The questions have been repeatedly asked since the emergence of InsurTech. Answers varied from different insurers and startups. You didn’t thrive because you made the right answer, you know the answer is right because you thrived.
Once again, it’s time to set yearly goals. Do you still remember your goal one year ago? Set your goals, share with us, consult us, let DailyFintech help you see the future more clearly and achieve your goals!
Zarc Gin is an analyst for Warp Speed Fintech, a Fintech, especially InsurTech-focused Venture Capital based in China.
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