The blowback from 28 years of cookies advertising technology is coming soon 

Netscape released cookies technology  28 years ago on October 13, 1994. This spawned a vast industry that some call surveillance advertising (more politely referred to as targeted advertising or behavioural marketing) that powers the Internet that we use every day. The blowback from 28 years of cookies advertising technology will start with 3rd party cookies […]

The post The blowback from 28 years of cookies advertising technology is coming soon  first appeared on Daily Fintech.

When cash dies, your privacy will die

Last week I read a tweet that Israel was going to ban cash payments. Israel introduced a law banning the use of cash for large transactions. The new law limits cash payments in one business transaction to 6,000 shekels ($1,785), as the country wants to fight organized crime, money laundering, and tax evasion. It also […]

The post When cash dies, your privacy will die first appeared on Daily Fintech.