Blockchain Thematic ETFs from the West to the East

blockchain ETFs

Listing on exchanges continues to dominate. Whether listing on regulated or unregulated Centralized exchanges (CEX) or Decentralized exchanges (DEX) of any sort; this has not changed at all for assets.

Brain Armstrong, the CEO of Coinbase, in his New Year medium post, foresees that we will be moving from a predominantly trading & speculation phase of cryptocurrencies and Tokens of all sorts, to a phase of actually Using Tokens.

In the meantime, however, incumbents and startups continue building all the necessary infrastructure to issue, custody, settle and clear, trade and invest of all sorts of digital assets.

Efi Pylarinou is the founder of Efi Pylarinou Advisory and a Fintech/Blockchain influencer – No.3 influencer in the finance sector by Refinitiv Global Social Media 2019.

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Blockchain exposure a la ancienne

Investing via listed equities will never die. In fact, I foresee Blockchain will enable it grow exponentially. More listed equities, across more jurisdictions, better information, fractional ownership.

For now, the traditional way to participate in the growth of the Blockchain sector is to buy publicly traded stocks. For example, mining companies, companies building enterprise software, or hardware.

Hut 8 which is the largest publicly listed bitcoin-mining company worldwide. Listed on the Toronto stock exchange Hut 8 Mining (TSXV:HUT) has a market cap close to $100million. Most pure blockchain companies, have small capitalization (less than even $10mill). As a result, the market sees more potential to capture the upside in Blockchain by investing in publicly traded tech companies with significant strategic exposure to the sector.

Blockchain Stocks that lists and tracks such stocks, shows companies like Accenture, MasterCard or funds investing in the sector; as their picks in the List of Blockchain stocks and their list of Large cap Blockchain Stocks.

Traditional investors can otherwise consider public equity exposure to the Blockchain sector through thematic ETFs. In the US, there are 8 Blockchain thematic ETFs that have accumulated $240million?

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Only 4 of them have managed to accumulate more than $10million and none of them have surpassed the $100million mark.

The top holdings of the two largest Blockchain ETFs are companies like the Japanese IT providers – GMO Internet and Digital Garage.

GMO is the company preparing for the launch of the first Yen backed stablecoin – GYEN. It is also expected to launch a new Bitcin mining device with low cost and electricity consumption, the B2 miner.

Digital Garage another Japanese company (4819-TYO) with and an ADR. They teamed up with Blockstream last year to serve institutional needs in the sector in Japan.

BLOK ETF has more than half a dozen Japanese companies in its top holdings, like LINE, KAKAO, SBI Holdings, and Korean Rakuten.

BLCN is more diverse with some Asian companies, like JD, Baidu, and LINE.

All Blockchain ETFs contain Bigtech companies, like Alphabet, SAP, or Nvidia.

In Europe, there is the Invesco Elwood Global Blockchain UCITS ETF listed on the LSE (BCHN:LN) with $38 million AUM since its launch last March.

Top holdings are similar to the US ETFs

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In China, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange just launched a Blockchain 50 Index that includes listed companies on its exchange in the Blockchain sector.



The top holdings are Ping An Bank, Midea Group – electricity company, East Money Information.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange, has applied to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for permission to list a blockchain exchange-traded fund (ETF) benchmarked off its index.

All these investment wrappers, are essentially offering tech exposure with a Blockchain tilt.

The post Blockchain Thematic ETFs from the West to the East appeared first on Daily Fintech.

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