The UK LDI Gilts blow up rhymes with GFC 2008 and AFC 1998

Mark Twain once said that “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” This is certainly true of financial cycles. What all have in common is an attempt to use derivatives and leverage to make something risky appear safe. If you understand the above you are all set and can skip to the end […]

The post The UK LDI Gilts blow up rhymes with GFC 2008 and AFC 1998 first appeared on Daily Fintech.

My Fintech career started with a kind man explaining that Gilt is not spelled with a U. 

In the dire economic climate of the late 1970s, after selling encyclopaedias to American soldiers in Germany, I started looking for the type of work that college graduates are supposed to do. The conversations went like this: Me: “I got a 2.1 in History from Oxford” Employer (stifling a yawn): “Yes, what else have you […]

The post My Fintech career started with a kind man explaining that Gilt is not spelled with a U.  first appeared on Daily Fintech.