Is crypto a regulated asset or a disruptive technology?

The FTX blow up has highlighted this strategic question. This is one WITHOUT a magic quadrant. Crypto is either a regulated asset or a disruptive technology – but it cannot be both. If you believe that crypto is a regulated asset, the easy trade is to buy Coinbase stock (COIN). Coinbase is fully regulated in […]

The post Is crypto a regulated asset or a disruptive technology? first appeared on Daily Fintech.

FTX & naked swimmers in a bear market

Warren Buffet, who has a way with words, said only when the tide goes out can you see who has been swimming naked. During 2022 the tide has been out in a tough bear market and FTX has been swimming naked. So I decided to dig in and try to get some perspective amid all […]

The post FTX & naked swimmers in a bear market first appeared on Daily Fintech.