Hybrid Security Tokens – What are they and What are they not?

NEWS  – Crypto and Security Token Exchange INX to Raise $130 Million in Landmark IPO: INX Limited, a crypto exchange startup, plans to raise up to $129.5 million through an IPO, in the first security token sale registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. No, that’s not a typo for “ICO,” the initial coin offerings […]

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Six diverse picks of Fintech shovels & Fintech stacks

The transformation of Financial services continues and re-bundling is one of the trends that is at work. Fintechs are collaborating and creating fuller stacks by bundling several services and growing their businesses. Six picks give you a picture of the diversity of this trend. Mambu is a leader in the Saas core banking sector. It […]

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Contents Cover- the under-served aspect of property insurance innovation

image TLDR  Consider: Structure losses– estimated to the nearest square foot or square meter.  Plenty of automated tools and techniques, and plenty of auditing for consistency. Contents losses– manual assessment and data entry.  Some automated tools for high value, niche cover or pre-inventory.  Little consistency in estimation as there is little consistency in what’s being […]

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Four of my Fintech posts connected to books

Traditionally we intend to read more in the summer. Environmental Sustainability and Finance: Poker or Chess? Inspired from the book `The Sustainable Organization` by  Miguel R. Brandao, already in its second edition co-creator of the #SORG index and the concept of Dolphin Organization.   Don`t confuse People-centric Banking with Customer-centric Banking. Linked to `Emotional Banking : […]

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InsurTech Topics and Cascading Consequences

image TLDR   “If you wait by the river long enough, the body of your next article will float by.” (apologies, Sun Tzu) ” My colleague and friend, Thomas Verduzco-Weisel asked me recently about articles I write, “Do you keep a topic list or inspirational thought list?” I wish I was that organized and purposeful.  My […]

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Where are the missing Homo Economicus in investing?

Source All economic theories assume a Homo economicus; which in plain English means a totally rational investor. We forget this basic assumption which makes all models ill-fit to our emotional and unstable behavioral profiles. This point cannot be ignored anymore, as we seek to deploy technology to offer customized financial advice and goal-based services. Deep dive […]

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Convergence as a trend in the re-bundling phase of financial services

There is ample evidence that 3 is a magic number. It dates back to the old times and is well captured in the Latin phrase[i] Omne Trium Perfectum  – everything that comes in 3s is perfect. I bring this up not only because I chose to provide three examples in my post today but also […]

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InsurTech is still looking for traction with customers and companies’ staff

image   TLDR   Are the InsurTech advocates/enthusiasts ‘preaching to the choir’ and considering that to be conversion of the masses?   Within the orb of InsurTech press, social media, and conferences one would think innovation and migration to adoption of the most clever of tech and innovative practices is de rigueur within insurance- if one […]

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Environmental Sustainability and Finance: Poker or Chess?

In early July, Onalytica published an article on Sustainability with a focus in the financial services sector. Comparing the WEF`s Global Risks Reports over the past 10 years[1], they highlight a stunning shift. We are confronted with the reality that Sustainability risks are Business, economy, and Societal risks. All industries are realizing this and the […]

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