Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 16th March.

Here is our pick of the 3 most important Stablecoin news stories during the week. Regulate it and they will come! That was the big announcement this week.  The White House announced that President Biden had signed a long-anticipated Executive Order (EO) on digital assets. Initial market response included a rally, as it highlighted the lack […]

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Fintech Macro Part 3 Bitcoin is bad for traditional finance

I could have said Crypto is bad for traditional finance but – disclosure – I am a Bitcoin maximalist and own some. Bitcoin is part of a Web3 vision of an Internet that is not controlled by a few big centralised players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon ie the Web2 we use every day. […]

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Forget cash. Pay me in bitcoin

In November, when bitcoin and Ethereum reached all-time highs, famous athletes, politicians, and regular people raced to join in on the excitement by announcing that they would convert a portion of their salaries into cryptocurrency. Their argument was that if you get paid in US dollars, as inflation increases, the value of your paycheck decreases. […]

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This Week in Fintech ending 11 March 2022

This week our experts brought you the following insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives. Monday Ilias Hatzis our Greece-based crypto entrepreneur (Founder & CEO at  Kryptonio a “keyless” non-custodial bitcoin and cryptocurrency wallet, that lets users manage bitcoin and crypto, without private keys or passwords and Weekly Columnist at Daily Fintech) @iliashatzis […]

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Alt Lending week ended March 11th 2022

Credit Suisse all at Sea once again. I had promised myself not to mention Credit Suisse this week but last Wednesday’s FT article was too interesting to ignore.  The article concerns a request to investors in some of CS’s somewhat more sporty packages to destroy confidential information given to them to help them evaluate the […]

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XBRL News about Auditchain, IASB and LEI

Here are the three most relevant developments in the world of structured reporting we became aware of in the course of last week. 1  Auditchain announces mainnet deployment of its staking contracts Auditchain’s Pacioli validating Node Staking Contracts will be deployed to Polygon Mainnet by Auditchain on March 7, 2022, as part of its preparations […]

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Trōv’s many firsts, now in Travelers’ arsenal

In 2020, Trōv developed the Embedded Insurance Platform (EIP) and launched it in June 2021. The EIP was purposed to aid the distribution of P&C insurance products by companies with digital footprints. Trōv saw the latent potential in embedded insurance and tapped the market need of digital consumer brands that sought new insurance offerings. Recently, […]

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Big crypto eats little crypto

Earlier today when I was searching on Google for crypto mergers and acquisitions over the last thirty days, I found stories like “ConsenSys acquires MyCrypto, plans to merge it with Metamask”, “OpenSea buys DeFi wallet startup Dharma Labs”, “Coinbase buys FairX to launch crypto derivatives”. PwC reported in early February that crypto mergers and acquisition […]

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This Week in Fintech ending 7 January

Welcome to 2022. This week our experts brought you the following insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives. Monday Ilias Hatzis our Greece-based crypto entrepreneur (Founder & CEO at  Kryptonio a “keyless” non-custodial bitcoin and cryptocurrency wallet, that lets users manage bitcoin and crypto, without private keys or passwords and Weekly Columnist at […]

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Daily Fintech’s most popular post from 2017

To give the experts who bring you  insights daily based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives a break during this holiday season (for some people), we are reposting the most popular posts from last 5 years. Daily Fintech’s most popular post from 2017 was Polychain Capital: A hedge fund investing at the Protocol […]

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