A subscription model for crypto

Coinbase’s first-quarter earnings report showed a $430 million loss in revenue and a 19% drop in users, going from 11.4 million to 9.2 million MTUs – monthly transacting users. It also showed that in 2021 subscription and services revenue grew by 10x over 2020, generating $500 million ($200 million in Q4) representing 7% of the […]

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Not another Crypto Exchange; by BondEvalue & Northern Trust

  We like We foresee adoption of Blockchain not Bitcoin Digital Currencies not Cryptocurrencies Stable Coins not CBDCs Blockchain not Bitcoin LIBRA not Cryptocurrencies CBDCs from China & the BRICs not the US These are picks of business media talk from the past and the present. As Ajit Tripathi, said to me in a conversation […]

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