XBRL News from Iran and Europe

Here are the most relevant developments in the world of structured reporting we became aware of in the course of last week. 1  Banks set to adopt XBRL for financial reporting The Central Bank of Iran is to announce XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) standards for financial reporting by banks. According to the CBI governor Ali […]

The post XBRL News from Iran and Europe first appeared on Daily Fintech.

XBRL News from Israel, EIOPA and Switzerland

Here are the three most relevant developments in the world of structured reporting we became aware of in the course of last week. 1  Software vendors needed as Israel adopts inline XBRL As the Israel Securities Authority (ISA) transitions to Inline XBRL (also known as iXBRL) for financial reporting, it is now seeking software companies interested in […]

The post XBRL News from Israel, EIOPA and Switzerland appeared first on Daily Fintech.

XBRL News from Hong Kong and Europe

Here are the three most relevant developments in the world of structured reporting we became aware of in the course of last week. 1  Hong Kong prepares for digital tax reporting using inline XBRL The Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD) looks set to launch Inline XBRL-based digital tax reporting for business within the next […]

The post XBRL News from Hong Kong and Europe appeared first on Daily Fintech.