Lemonade+Metromile: Bright spot on insurtech’s disruption roadmap

With a market cap of $2 billion, Lemonade had traded at about eight times its annual sales. Most traditional insurers, like Allstate and Travelers, trade at around one multiple of the year’s sales. The price-to-sales ratio for Lemonade is seemingly reasonable relative to its growth expectations. Since it went public a couple of years ago, […]

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Fintech Macro Part 3 Bitcoin is bad for traditional finance

I could have said Crypto is bad for traditional finance but – disclosure – I am a Bitcoin maximalist and own some. Bitcoin is part of a Web3 vision of an Internet that is not controlled by a few big centralised players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon ie the Web2 we use every day. […]

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Web3 Part 4 Hype waves go through a lot of turbulence 

Inevitable does not mean imminent. It is inevitable that the decentralized Web3 will replace the centralized Web2, but nobody knows when this will happen – it is not imminent. Amaras law is still true; I have deep conviction on direction of travel, but I have no idea on the speed of travel. To trade successfully […]

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Web3 Part 3 exchanging value (not just content) online is a game changer

One reason why Web3 has some negative chatter is that it is being used to hype some crypto projects. The implied correlation is Web3 is good so crypto project X is good. I am NOT promoting any crypto projects, but I think that Web3 based on decentralised and permissionless exchange of value is real and […]

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Web3 Part 2 Why decentralisation is back to the future

The Internet was originally designed as a decentralized system to withstand attack by the Soviet Union during the cold war. The Internet protocols are also permissionless. You just connect your system to the Internet. Nobody can stop you – except the market if you don’t add value. That changed with Web 2 when centralized services […]

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Web 3 Part 1 What is Web3 and why do some people love it and others hate it?

Gavin Wood, now based in Switzerland, is crediting with coining the term Web3 in 2014 when he was CoFounder and CTO of the Ethereum Foundation. Web3 is a vision of a an Internet that is not controlled by a few big centralised players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon ie the Web2 we use every day. […]

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Breeding Dolphin organisations instead of Sharks & Piranhas

Entrepreneurship, innovation, and disruption are terms that we think we understand and agree on what we mean when using them. Not so. Several thought leaders and influencers have highlighted this issue when arguing about technologies and or business models and whether they qualify as `disruptive` or `innovative`. Clayton Christensen`s 25yr old theory Disruptive innovation, Guenther Dobrauz-Saldapenna`s Apetite for Disruption interviews are just two sources that focus on these distinctions.

Distinctions work

After the WEF this past January, serendipity connected my insights around Sharks & Piranhas in financial services with Dolphin-like organisations. Dr. Mihaela Ulieru, scientist, advisor, president of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy attended my CryptomountainRocks talk at the piano bar of Hotel Europe.

Sharks Dolphins

My metaphors of incumbents and fintech startups as Sharks and Piranhas, while discussing tokenization of real assets; fired up a connection with Miguel Reynolds Brandão through Mihaela Ulieru.


Miguel R. Brandao is an entrepreneur, author of `The Sustainable Organisation` book already in its second edition and co-creator of the #SORG index and much more.


  • The SORG Index, is a sustainability algorithm. It is simple and can even be used by startups.
  • The Dolphin Ranking is a global list of Sustainable Organisations that the group of these Sustainability Devotees including Miguel R. Brandao, call ‘Dolphins’. This list promotes organisations that are truly sustainable to inspire hope, change and best practice. Much like dolphins these organizations take care of their resources and are less focused on promoting themselves.

Sustainability is a philosophy not a marketing tool; it is a purpose not a KPI!

Miguel Brandao, articulates all this better. Enjoy our podcast.


Efi Pylarinou is the founder of Efi Pylarinou Advisory and a Fintech/Blockchain influencer. 

I have no positions or commercial relationships with the companies or people mentioned. I am not receiving compensation for this post. 

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