InsurTech adherents must see- the Elephant is insurance

A common approach to InsurTech- describing insurance by parts, not the whole

I’ve noted in the past that InsurTech is not dissimilar to the fable of six blind men describing an elephant solely on touch- each man ‘sees’ the elephant from the perspective of his narrow exposure to a very large creature. One sees a rope because he has grabbed the tail, another a tree because he’s grabbed a leg, another a snake due to the feel of the trunk, and so on.

InsurTech is that similar situation- many firms ‘touching’ the initiative from a narrow perspective. Not blind, surely, but not from a vantage of ‘seeing’ the entire concept. Of course it would be very daunting to try to grasp the industry from all angles, and very expensive too.

there are the individual firms describing their unique parts- underwriting,
pricing, distribution, administration, claims, agencies, customer acquisition,
etc. And designing and/or applying technology- artificial intelligence
(AI), machine learning, IoT, algorithms, data science, actuarial science,
behavioral economics, game theory, and so on. Using technology and new
methods to help them see their part of the beast that is insurance innovation.

We get caught up in the thinking that InsurTech is a discrete concept– because each involved player has his unique approach to defining how change will be effected (and we can’t have multiple terms to describe what the movement is.) In the end each is convinced the efforts being made in their firm are defining the term. A recent article penned by Hans Winterhoff, KPMG Director, 3 Lessons European Insurers can Learn from Ping An, provides suggestions for legacy insurers based on successes Ping An has had in the China insurance market. The author makes three apt points but as with simply grabbing the Beast’s trunk and calling the animal a snake, is Ping An’s approach to insurance innovation the best InsurTech perspective for mature insurance markets?

Can the best innovative methods be applied to incumbent markets if a carrier’s staff are not engaged adequately in the evolution? 

Legacy markets are populated with customers who are content with the Beast that is insurance, and in spite of some years of InsurTech efforts the market penetration of innovative companies remains low.  Not that these customers don’t deserve the latest and best methods (surely most would trade the bureaucracy and cost of existing health care for the ease of service provided by a Ping An kiosk), but change must also come from within insurance company organizations.  If one looks at Fortune magazine’s best large employers by employee survey and finds two of the insurance market’s biggest employers, Allstate and Geico, not in the top 500 firms, one must consider absent employee engagement then innovative change may be inhibited for those major companies and their customers.

every week there is a significant conference of InsurTech enthusiasts,
thousands of attendees per month, all seemingly with an idea of what InsurTech
is, where it’s going, and how they will capture innovation lightning in the
bottle they have designed. There are some very smart persons who are seen
as champions of the effort, and these persons publish/travel/post and remind
the industry of where it has been and where it’s going. They are adept at
describing the beast in terms that most can understand, and in terms that help
the holder of the ropy tail to see that there also is a snaky trunk, and that
the two parts are of the same beast.

is cool about how the InsurTech movement is evolving is that a solid
recognition is being realized by most (not all) that InsurTech is comprised of
multiple, important and integral parts, and even if your firm is not working
with idea A, it can leverage the knowledge in developing idea B. We pick
at the theories others espouse, nay say, comment, maybe even doubt or
criticize, but at the same time all the knowledge is to the common goal-
improving a product for the existing and as yet unidentified insurance

without belaboring the theme, we can be reminded that the elephant is not
InsurTech; the elephant is insurance. InsurTech is the trappings with which the
elephant is enhanced. And the elephant is the contractual agreement that
comprises insurance, and the elephant’s handler must be the customer. 

all describe the beast well from our unique perspective, with the understanding
that in the end the elephant’s handler- the customer- must be why we are touching
the beast at all.


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Patrick Kelahan is a CX, engineering & insurance professional, working with Insurers, Attorneys & Owners. He also serves the insurance and Fintech world as the ‘Insurance Elephant’.

I have no positions or commercial relationships with the companies or people mentioned. I am not receiving compensation for this post.

Subscribe by email to join the 25,000 other Fintech leaders who read our research daily to stay ahead of the curve. Check out our advisory services (how we pay for this free original research).

Innovation from the Customers’ Needs Backwards- InsurTech Startups that Found Service Nails that Needed Hammers

In the interest of full disclosure this column was not the
planned piece for this week, but as the original plan became an exercise in
distilling a wonderful volume of great information down into 1200 or so words,
I was thankful for a discussion with an insurance startup I had where this
observation was reiterated by a founder:

“We did not want to be
a hammer looking for a nail.”

That phrase reminded me why the research for a following week was conducted- there are InsurTech companies that have made great efforts in seeing customer or service needs- that exist- and devising innovative ways to deal with the respective issues’ pain points and taking the innovations to market.  So why not wait to publish that theme?  Well, because the industry needs constant reminders that innovation needs a purpose, and that there are startups who are purposing real service needs.  So I took my own advice with the topic- be the finder of the nail, first.

There are many InsurTech startups across the global market,
and one can’t place the spotlight on all. 
The approach for this column is discussion of four companies that in
their own unique way have found an unmet purpose (nail) by research or
accident, have dug into the issue, and produced a solution (hammer) that is
tech-based and somewhat unique.

Empowering Patients for Provider Choice

The unexpected needs of parents Cole Sirucek and Grace Park prompted
the sequence of events that resulted in the patient empowerment firm, docdoc
Now founders as well as parents, Cole and Grace identified a need for
medical patients to have better control over who provides them services than which
was traditional for the profession.  A
medical concern within their family highlighted that the medical profession
(including hospitals) held full sway over who provided service, even if the
provider was not the most apt choice. 
Working to ensure others wouldn’t have options when medical needs arose,
the company worked with a team of medical and tech professionals to develop the
largest, most comprehensive network of medical professionals in Asia, a network
that identifies professionals by characterizing what each does extremely
well.  Need knee surgery?  The network identifies a patient’s best
option, not only for an orthopedist, but a knee expert.  And why would this be important within the
medical services value chain?  Having the
best expert results in more positive outcomes, which results in less unexpected
cost and patient issues post op.  In the
bigger picture, docdoc has created a Knowledge Model that can be leveraged by
other health networks (not ‘here are the providers in your network,” but ‘here
are the best fit providers’).  Options
for the patient, networks for the providers, and less after-effects for the
insurers.  (contact:  Madhurima Dutta

Highest and Best Use of an Entrepreneur’s Time is not Getting Insurance Quotes

There are more than 7.5 million self-employeds in the UK.  That’s a lot of hard-working individuals (and
the number is growing), says Sherpa ‘s
CEO, Chris Kaye
.  And if averages are extended, each of
these folks shop for up to seven insurance policies annually, time spent
chasing what carriers provide, and not necessarily what the self-employeds need.   Chris Kaye (along with Sherpa founders Lachlan Gillies and
Greg McCafferty)
identified the need for these customers to have an insurance service that
covers them for all risks,
can be tailored to their lifestyle and keeps up-to-date as their life changes.  Not rocket science (seems intuitively like
what a good agent could do), unless one can promptly assess each customer and then
provide an AI-driven personal insurance solution. Here’s the firm’s tech
innovation- Sherpa’s “Brain,” a proprietary AI risk assessment
engine, takes data given by members and makes personalized recommendation
for what cover they need.  But- Sherpa is not an insurance plan, it’s a subscription
based membership organization, has a fully-digital process, wherein a Member
can be underwritten and get ‘on risk’ in about seven minutes, and Sherpa
charges a transparent, flat fee that gives members access to a personal
insurance solution that matches their advice. 
Of course the members benefit from cover provided by an affiliated
global insurance company, and have the comfort that as life changes occur their
personal choice for insurance cover remain. 
The firm’s intention is to not only broaden UK available lines from Life
and Critical Illness covers, but to other markets and other personal lines

Digitizing Life Insurance Claim Processes, No, Making Life Policies about the Beneficiaries

Benekiva founder Brent Williams had a
successful financial advisory business in which he continuously found issue- life
insurance settlements were an administrative nightmare for beneficiaries, typically
driving settlement periods to three months from the respective carriers’ notice
of policyholder death.  Brent served as
apologist for the carriers, and also found in addition to delays in benefits,
recipients of policy proceeds were reluctant to take that next step- financial
care of proceeds- because the claim processes were so convoluted.  In collaboration with the current Benekiva
team members and co-founders, Bobbie Shrivastav and Soven Shrivastav, (and after more
than two years’ research) Brent, et al, introduced a digital approach to claim
process that focused on beneficiaries’ needs backwards through the admin of the
policy.  In this case, an industry expert
collaborated with tech and innovation experts, jointly identified a customer
issue, developed universally applicable methods that carriers could implement,
and the end result is prompt payment of policy proceeds.  Sure, unclaimed property laws helped
facilitate the end result, but the digital answer to customer needs is the key.  Benekiva now works with carriers to streamline
what in great part are legacy process wrought with workarounds, and to the
benefit of the industry cut through the Gordian Knot of the paper chase.  Oh, and the firm is helping carriers with
Blockchain options for claim and beneficiary management.

Helping Leverage Customers’ Ownership of Data  

Customers don’t know what they don’t know, and for data collection and use (particularly telematics), that knowledge is lower in great part due to who has taken control of telematics- companies (including insurance carriers.)  If data are the next oil boom, then those who own the wells are not the current beneficiaries of the wells’ output.  That’s the identified service opportunity for RevdApp , best described by its founder, Filipe Pinto, thusly:

“to offer consumers a way to own and manage their
mobility records and to leverage them in a trustworthy marketplace where
service providers bid to offer them services without compromising their
privacy. We eliminate data silos and unleash value.”

What, you say, what has that got to do with InsurTech and insurance service?  Well, picture customer possession of an open ledger of performance within a digital ecosystem, data that can be provided by the customer to support value-based access to services?  Customer owns driving data, can leverage that data for insurance purchases, or perhaps more favorable lease pricing based on positive performance than someone who has a history of more risky behavior.  Telematics have to date been the bailiwick of companies who collect those data, and have been leveraged to the benefit of the companies in terms of user-based insurance (UBI), e.g., Metromile, Progressive (Snapshot), and Allstate (DriveWise), along with most other larger carriers.  RevdApp is developing a digital ecosystem where beyond UBI customers can benefit from the service value of trust- companies may extend favorable terms to those with relative good performance data ledgers, and surcharge those without.  Customers control their data, how it’s applied to services, and how it’s applied to pricing.  At this time the firm’s IoT data ledger service access is applied for exotic auto use, but customer focus can bridge to almost any partnered service.

Are there many solution ‘hammers’ in the InsurTech orb looking for nails?  Sure are.  But there are many customer service ‘nails’ just waiting for observant entrepreneurs that can be open to understanding what solution is being called for.  The four examples noted above have unique starting points, and certainly unique solutions, but each developed from the kernel of an idea-  the need to #innovatefromthecustomerbackwards, and in spotlighting those I could keep my journalistic hammer tucked in my work bag- for another week.

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Patrick Kelahan is a CX, engineering & insurance professional, working with Insurers, Attorneys & Owners. He also serves the insurance and Fintech world as the ‘Insurance Elephant’.

I have no positions or commercial relationships with the companies or people mentioned. I am not receiving compensation for this post.

Subscribe by email to join the 25,000 other Fintech leaders who read our research daily to stay ahead of the curve. Check out our advisory services (how we pay for this free original research).

Insurtech Front Page Weekly CXO Briefing – Incumbents on customer engagement

Service Satisfaction Indicator

The Theme last week was InsurTech Upstarts at the Gate.

The Theme this week is incumbents exploring better customer engagement. Customer engagement can be improved with the combination of technologies and a human touch.

For more about the Front Page Weekly CXO Briefing, please click here.

Incumbents embracing InsurTech is a common theme in our posts. This time, it’s about customer engagement.

Story 1: Humania Assurance Launches 5575

Extract, read more on Coverage:

“Humania Assurance has introduced a new portfolio of online health insurance products tailored for Canadians aged 55 to 75 years old.

“When retiring and leaving their workplace, this population loses its group insurance advantages. It is then difficult for these people to cover all expenses relating to their health. This portfolio of products will allow them to reduce their financial stress and focus on taking care of their recovery.” – VP Sales and Marketing, Kim Oliphant.”

A gentle gesture to care for the elderly. Efficiency can be improved by technology, but the warmth of insurance still need to be delivered with a human touch.

Story 2: Chubb Life Launches New Digital Platform to Enhance Customer Experience

Extract, read more on Chubb media room:

“Chubb Life Insurance Indonesia (Chubb Life) has today launched an online platform called Chubb Life Customer Corner as part of its ongoing commitment to putting customers first and providing them with the best customer experience, anywhere and anytime.

Kumaran Chinan, Chubb Life COO said, ‘We are proud to launch the Chubb Life Customer Corner which will make it faster and more convenient for our customers to access important policy information, including the latest claims information, anywhere and anytime they choose to.’”

Insurance penetration rate is still low in Indonesia, and the Internet-savvy youths will soon become a major purchasing force of life insurance in next 5 years. Selling it in a digital way can help Chubb become the first insurer for many young users in Indonesia.

Story 3: Aviva aims to disrupt the market with new subscription-style product

Extract, read more on Insurance Age:

“Aviva has launched a subscription-style insurance product, which it said was designed to address consumer concerns with the industry such as dual pricing.

AvivaPlus is initially a direct product, which the provider stated offers flexible cover, monthly payments with no APR, no charges to cancel or change the policy and a renewal price guarantee.

It is available for home and car insurance, but Aviva noted that it was looking to extend it to more product lines in the future.”

Dual price happens when there is a lack of direct channels. Technology certainly can play a big role in building channels.

Engagement is about building trusts. By caring for the elderly, launching online platforms and addressing information asymmetry, incumbents are making friendly gestures.

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Zarc Gin is an analyst for Warp Speed Fintech, a Fintech, especially InsurTech-focused Venture Capital based in China.

Check out our advisory services(how we pay for this free original research).

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