FTX & naked swimmers in a bear market

Warren Buffet, who has a way with words, said only when the tide goes out can you see who has been swimming naked. During 2022 the tide has been out in a tough bear market and FTX has been swimming naked. So I decided to dig in and try to get some perspective amid all […]

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Web3 Part 4 Hype waves go through a lot of turbulence 

Inevitable does not mean imminent. It is inevitable that the decentralized Web3 will replace the centralized Web2, but nobody knows when this will happen – it is not imminent. Amaras law is still true; I have deep conviction on direction of travel, but I have no idea on the speed of travel. To trade successfully […]

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Web3 Part 3 exchanging value (not just content) online is a game changer

One reason why Web3 has some negative chatter is that it is being used to hype some crypto projects. The implied correlation is Web3 is good so crypto project X is good. I am NOT promoting any crypto projects, but I think that Web3 based on decentralised and permissionless exchange of value is real and […]

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Web3 Part 2 Why decentralisation is back to the future

The Internet was originally designed as a decentralized system to withstand attack by the Soviet Union during the cold war. The Internet protocols are also permissionless. You just connect your system to the Internet. Nobody can stop you – except the market if you don’t add value. That changed with Web 2 when centralized services […]

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Web 3 Part 1 What is Web3 and why do some people love it and others hate it?

Gavin Wood, now based in Switzerland, is crediting with coining the term Web3 in 2014 when he was CoFounder and CTO of the Ethereum Foundation. Web3 is a vision of a an Internet that is not controlled by a few big centralised players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon ie the Web2 we use every day. […]

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