Part 4 Has to work with both small & large amounts of capital

The law of large numbers is brutal in investing aka pity rich Mr Buffet and Mr Munger. Think about what it takes to go 10x from: 10k to 100k 100k to 1m 1m to 10m 10m to 100m 100m to 1b 1b to 10b 10b to 100b All numbers assumed in US$ but actually the […]

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Part 3 If you pay peanuts you will get monkeys

What happened to Motif? If you believe that copy trading can disrupt fund management you have to answer this question. “Motif allows individuals and investment advisors to invest in stock and bond portfolios built around everyday ideas and economic trends” (source Crunchbase). Despite Motif raising  $126.5M from top tier investors such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, […]

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Part 1 Copy trading may disrupt fund management. 

The idea – like most disruption – is simple. You follow somebody’s trades and give them a share of the profits. This enables a new breed of fund managers to invest first then gather assets later, which is the exact opposite of how it works today. Today a fund manager startup first gathers assets from limited partner investors […]

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