Taproot is here. The next era of bitcoin just began.

The Taproot upgrade for Bitcoin was officially activated on Sunday. Bitcoin had its biggest upgrade in 4 years, since the introduction of Segregated Witness in 2017. The Taproot upgrade improves network privacy, scalability, security, and the ability to support complex transactions. Earlier in the week bitcoin hit a new record high of $69k ($68,789.63 to […]

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Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 10th November.

Another Bull run for Crypto, or is something else happening? Here is our pick of the 3 most important Stablecoin news stories during the week. This week the numbers came in, stablecoins are growing once again at a rapid rate.  In the past this has been a signal that money is coming into the Crypto ecosystem […]

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Enable your immortal virtual avatar and live forever… hahaha

Eric Adams, New York City’s mayor-elect, posted in a tweet that he wants his first three paychecks as mayor to be paid in bitcoin. A Google search shows that the mayor’s salary in NYC is $258,750 a year, which means his payment for the first three months is $64,687. Now if any of bitcoin’s price […]

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Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 3rd November.

Shut the stable doors, the horse has bolted! Here is our pick of the 3 most important Stablecoin news stories during the week. This week saw a concerted move by politicians and regulators to agitate for the power to tame the wild Crypto horse.  But can they?  The tech is out there and almost anyone, anywhere […]

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A “Meta” World Built on Blockchain

If you weren’t familiar with the term “metaverse”, I am sure you are now after Facebook announced that it’s changing its name to “Meta”. On Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook’s parent company was changing its name to Meta to emphasize its focus on metaverse. Metaverse is defined slightly differently by futurists, but at its […]

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Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 27th October.

Here comes Facebook! Here is our pick of the 3 most important Stablecoin news stories during the week. The week started with Facebook finally starting to roll out a “small pilot” of its Novi digital wallet in the US and Guatemala, more than two years after it was first announced. The pilot program will let users […]

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Part 4 Will Wall Street Coopt and Strangle Etherum?

Bitcoin is radical and disruptive. In addition to being a totally decentralized, permissionless system, there are no human managers that you can talk to. Ethereum is different. You can talk to Vitalik Buterin and Joseph Lubin. Techies may prefer Vitalik Buterin and biz types maybe more comfortable with Joseph Lubin, but both are humans that […]

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Bitcoin’s Amazing Week

This past week was filled with excitement and the bitcoin bulls started a new stampede. On Wednesday bitcoin climbed to a new all-time high, reaching $66,930.39. The record price came a day after the first US. bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) debuted on the New York Stock Exchange giving bitcoin a big boost. The fund already […]

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Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 20th October.

Could Crypto eat the Regulators as well as TradFi? Here is our pick of the 3 most important Stablecoin news stories during the week. This story from Wolfgang Münchau got us thinking this week.  Wolfgang is worth a follow if you are interested in a different take on Politics in Europe.  Crypto is based on open […]

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Part 3 Competition to Ether from Bitcoin and “wannabees”.

Ethereum is perceived as better than Bitcoin because it can run smart contracts. The inconvenient truth for Ethereum fans is that you can also run smart contracts on the Bitcoin blockchain and the innovation in this space looks vibrant with projects such as Sphinx on the Lightning Network and Stacks (fka Blockstack). There are also […]

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