Web3 Part 2 Why decentralisation is back to the future

The Internet was originally designed as a decentralized system to withstand attack by the Soviet Union during the cold war. The Internet protocols are also permissionless. You just connect your system to the Internet. Nobody can stop you – except the market if you don’t add value. That changed with Web 2 when centralized services […]

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Crypto trading: ‘big fee‘ or ‘no-fee‘ future

In 2000 we had the “dot-com bowl,” and twenty-two years later it looks like we’re going to have the first “crypto bowl.” Among this year’s Super Bowl advertisers are two crypto companies, Crypto.com and FTX. Advertising during the Super Bowl can put a brand in front of an audience of 100 million people, but placing […]

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Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 2nd February.

Here is our pick of the 3 most important Stablecoin news stories during the week. Facebook exits the stablecoin business, or has it? This week the news was dominated by the news that Facebook has exited the stablecoin arena.  Or has it?    Certainly on the face of it (no pun intended) it looks like a clean […]

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Web 3 Part 1 What is Web3 and why do some people love it and others hate it?

Gavin Wood, now based in Switzerland, is crediting with coining the term Web3 in 2014 when he was CoFounder and CTO of the Ethereum Foundation. Web3 is a vision of a an Internet that is not controlled by a few big centralised players such as Google, Facebook and Amazon ie the Web2 we use every day. […]

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Payments are the “glue”

The entire week JPMorgan, the biggest US bank, was all over the Greek news. This weekend it was mentioned countless times in Greek parliament by the prime minister and several other cabinet members, during the no-confidence vote initiated by the main opposition leader. Last Monday, JPMorgan announced that it agreed to acquire a 49% stake […]

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Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 26th January.

Here is our pick of the 3 most important Stablecoin news stories during the week. Here comes the Fed! Well not really, but this week we got a lot more insight into what the Fed’s is thinking with the release of a discussion paper that examines the pros and cons of a potential U.S. CBDC.   Federal […]

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The digital euro is on the way

Digitalization is affecting everything and is accelerated by the pandemic. One area unable to escape this accelerated trend is money. Money inventions have challenged and transformed the structure of the financial system throughout history. Time and again, innovations have sparked disputes about the dangers they represent and the benefits they provide, as well as the […]

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Stablecoin News for the week ending Wednesday 19th January.

To CBDC or not, that is the question! Here is our pick of the 3 most important Stablecoin news stories during the week. This week we saw arguments for and against the implementation by Central Banks of a state backed stablecoin or CBDC.   Firstly, the BIS published a study on the rise and power of digital […]

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Jack Dorsey wants to keep the force in bitcoin decentralized

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Block (formerly Square), has been a consistent advocate of bitcoin. Dorsey both personally and professionally has supported bitcoin for years. In 2018, he said that bitcoin will eventually become the world’s single currency. In 2020, Square purchased about $50 million worth of bitcoin. In early 2021, Square bought another $170 million […]

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