Alt Lending Week Ended 1st April 2022

NatWest back in private hands, Just? The continuing saga of the sale of NatWest looks to be as long running as the Mousetrap. The latest sale, orchestrated through Morgan Stanley, reduces the government’s stake to 48.1% and like Gordon Brown’s handling of the UK Gold reserves is crystallising large losses for the taxpayer. This is […]

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Alt Lending week ended March 11th 2022

Credit Suisse all at Sea once again. I had promised myself not to mention Credit Suisse this week but last Wednesday’s FT article was too interesting to ignore.  The article concerns a request to investors in some of CS’s somewhat more sporty packages to destroy confidential information given to them to help them evaluate the […]

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Alt Lending Week ended 18th February 2022

    Home truths from Martin Vander Meyer Market turmoil is the dominant subject in the Spectator’s weekly look at financial matters. Incidentally today’s Sunday Telegraph also contained an interview with Peter Smith the American boss of the Uk’s largest digital coin exchange Blockchain .com. who bemoans the lack of innovation in NFT’s by the […]

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Alt Lending Week Ending 11th February 2022

  Fintech investment in UK bigger than France Germany and China combined! It seems that Brexit has had little impact on inward investment in the Fintech sector. What always amazes me is the way the press always seem surprised that this is happening and has been happening for years. There must be some underlying sentiment […]

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Alt Lending week ending 28th January 2022

  Horta-osorio and Credit Suisse It seems that trouble automatically finds the top dogs at Switzerland’s second largest bank. In the Portuguese bankers case it was COVID restrictions that forced his resignation as Chairman after just nine months. It was his mission to sort out the obvious problems which had arisen  under his predecessor. Unfortunately […]

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