Blockchain my heart – Q4 of 2018


Time Stamp this past October! It was a decade since the Halloween white paper titled ““Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” was sent to a mailing list of the few select cryptographers.

#AndTheIronyIs that the Nakamoto groundbreaking technology is being championed by banks as a way to radically improve the financial system. #AndTheIronyIs that this out of the UBS Blockchain site.

#AndTheIronyIs that Wall Street is working hard on structuring new derivative products (a business they know all to well) for crypto assets. Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs were the first to clear the Bitcoin futures for CBOE and CME. MorganStanley now plans to offer a Bitcoin swap trading product.

#AndTheIronyIs that my top October Tweet by all metrics was Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 7.20.17 AM.png

At the Swiss Women Blockchain breakfast panel discussion, I shared my passion for Blockchain use cases in Financial inclusion. This is the reason I worked with Arun Krishnamkumar to launch a thematic podcast series on this exact topic. Listen to guests from Wala project in Africa, Stellar protocol, the Agentic Group in NY and more.

In Europe there is no consensus on the definition of a Security. Europe has MIFID, without a standard definition of a Security. The European Parliament supported the Blockchain Resolution, which presents regulatory principles that are Technology neutral, Business-model neutral, and pro-Innovation. The main principle behind the Blockchain Resolution is Disintermediation Economics that build Trust. Read details In the EU Blockchain Resolution we Trust.

This quarter I participated in three Blockchain conferences and several blockchain meetups. My talk in Athens at Decentralized is online:  “Unlocking value in Fintech: The Blockchain deity at work”.

Noteworthy news from my clients:

EquibitGroup, a P2P capital markets infrastructure, moved its headquarters from Toronto Canada, to Zug and was already listed as an upcoming challenger in the Swiss Crypto ecosystem of 400 companies (report presented at the CryptoSummit).

Desico, a fully compliant way to issue a Security token out of Lithuania, successfully raised 1million from the crowd through a Revenue Sharing Note (with an ISIN number allocated by Nasdaq CSD: LTM 000010008).

LCX, the early stage institutional grade exchange out of Liechtenstein, launched the Blockchain LCX event series. Dr. Zhang and Don Tapscott were two distinguished guests that gave talks and I had the pleasure to moderate a discussion thereafter. Watch here.

Efi Pylarinou is the founder of Efi Pylarinou Advisory and a Fintech/Blockchain influencer.

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