Announcing Zarc Gin, our man in China, joining the Daily Fintech Expert Service

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Each week we are adding a new Expert to the Daily Fintech Expert Service.

Our Experts work all over the world, giving Daily Fintech a global perspective.

This week we profile our Expert in China, Zarc Gin, who works for a Fintech, Insurtech and Blockchain focussed VC fund in Hangzhou, China.

China is not only a massive market. It is also a market that operates quite differently from the West, because it went straight to the digital and mobile age.

Zarc is the person to talk to if you want to:

– learn from what is happening in China to apply to your home markets.

– think about how to enter the China market.

Now you get a chance to talk to somebody who lives in China and who knows Fintech, Insurtech and Blockchain for only CHF 380 per hour.

For more on Zarc, please go here.

To book an hour with Zarc, please click here to send him an email.

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