Thank You

Happy New Year. Today is my last post on Daily Fintech. Before signing off, I just wanted to say a few words of thanks.

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Before Daily Fintech, I was a Fintech enthusiast and an investor. However, I had not written regularly on a focused subject anywhere. I only knew I could write, but had to prove it to myself.
When I reached out to Bernard about this time three years ago, he was kind enough to offer me the Friday slot on Daily Fintech. Writing became a routine, but more importantly, reading up became a religion.
I had to read so much to get a holistic view of a topic, think through the trends, figure out a pattern and create a storyline around that. It was an intellectual journey that I look(ed) forward to every week.
In the initial days, writing an article took almost a day. It became a lot easier as I kept reading, connecting dots and writing. Especially after a panel discussion, an event or a speech, the article would take less than an hour to write.
I learnt a lot in the process. In my meetings with potential investors for my fund, the wealth of knowledge I had accumulated in Fintech helped. It helped establish immediate credibility and made fund raising a lot easier.
It was especially true when I first met Banesh Prabhu, who was the ex Global COO of Citigroup consumer bank international. Our discussion got to a point where I was competing with him on a Fintech trend discussion. It was no simple task doing that with Banesh. He eventually became a cornerstone investor in my first fund, and is now my partner at Green Shores Capital, my second fund.
Daily Fintech was one of the top reasons for my first book offer. I was headhunted by a top publisher to write a book. The book should launch in Q1 2020.
I must thank Bernard Lunn for giving me the opportunity to write on Daily Fintech. It has been a challenging and rewarding journey writing alongside great minds like Bernard, Efi, Jessica, Pat and Ilias. It was a nervous journey at the start, but this community of authors made it quite an enjoyable ride.
Thanks to all my readers, for the comments, social media support and engagement. That is often the biggest validation for a writer.
I will still be writing on sustainable and climate friendly innovation. I believe there is a lot of work to be done in that space. Please do connect with me on LinkedIn if you have enjoyed my writing and would like to follow my work.
Thank you and a very happy New Year!

The post Thank You appeared first on Daily Fintech.